Apostle Arome | Sunday 19th March

March 20, 2023 00:49:06
Apostle Arome | Sunday 19th March
Rediscover Church Exeter | Sunday Messages
Apostle Arome | Sunday 19th March

Mar 20 2023 | 00:49:06


Show Notes

We had the pleasure of welcoming Apostle Arome Osayi over from Nigeria to come and speak to us all around the topic of prayer and also healing.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:06 So I am home indeed. I want to celebrate every mother in the room. God bless you indeed. Thank you for the sacrifice of mothering. And the Lord will pour out his grace on your life in Jesus might name. All right, let us pray. Lord, in the name of Jesus, I ask that you breathe on your word and make it live. Cross it to become seeds that are viable, seeds that will not die on the hearts of men. In the name of Jesus, Speaker 0 00:00:56 Thank Speaker 1 00:00:56 You Father, Speaker 0 00:00:57 In Speaker 1 00:00:58 Jesus name. Tony, your bible quickly to the book of Romans chapter eight, sorry, Romans chapter 12. Romans Speaker 0 00:01:19 Chapter Speaker 1 00:01:19 12, if you are a student of the Bible. And you see, um, what is written in the book of Ephesians chapter four, beginning from verse 11, how that God has called some apostles or called some prophets, has called some pastors, called some evangelists, called some teachers. It says that the reason for which this diversity of the grace graces that is in the body of Christ is established is so that the people of God can be equipped for ministry. I taught that all that the was about ministry had to do with the fivefold ministry. But the scripture is saying that the fivefold ministry are people that enjoy because of their designation. Um, um, um, a dimension of God's grace that gives them the capacity to equip the people of God. So the context in which ministry is seen from the book of Ephesians chapter four is that every believer is supposed to be in ministry. So what the five four Ministers do is that they equip the believer to be able to identify the stream of grace that is at work in their lives so that they can minister thereby. Speaker 1 00:03:01 So what I want to bring to our notice quickly in the next 25 minutes is when I tied to the ministry of the Believer, you know, that's what Pastor Mark is trying to build us to be able to function in. There is a de of the grace of God that is upon your life, and it is expected that it overflows into a setting kind of service that God wants to bring either to this house or to this community, or to this region, right? Okay. That's why we teach. That's why we preach in order for you to discover that investment of God upon your life and maximize your calling to serve out of that investment. We said yesterday that you cannot serve God except you have a gift. So I want to show you that you have a gift and the gift is supposed to manifest in form of ministry. Roman chapter 12, beginning from verse number four. For us, we have many members in one body and all members have not the same office. So we've been many, uh, one brought in Christ and every one member one of another, having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us. Speaker 1 00:04:53 Stop there for a moment. When we talk about gifts, most of the time the average believer unconsciously begins to refer to the gifts of the spirit. But in the book of Romans chapter 12, we see a new stream of gifts. And this set of gifts are called gifts of grace because the Bible says that we have gifts differing according to the grace that is given unto us. So the, the spiritual energy that powers this gifts is a unique kind of grace that you have received from God and there is a dimension of service that God is expecting you to bring to this house, to bring to this community, to bring to this nation on the strength of that investment. So the Bible say also says that these gifts that we have are differing. You know, once upon a time I was compelled to do a teaching on why we are not the same as believers. And one of the points I raised in that delivery was that we were wired with different dimensions of grace. So even though I like the way my friend Apostle James preaches, I don't have the grace the equipment to preach quite exactly the way he preaches. And I'm not, I don't want to preach like that because if I try to do that, it'll be obvious that I'm struggling. I don't have grace for it. Speaker 0 00:06:48 Yes. Speaker 1 00:06:49 So you see each and every one of us need to, um, go on a self-discovery. And one of the elements of this self-discovery is to find out what grace is functional on your life. If you find the grace that is functional on your life, you are going to be a blessing to so many people. There is ministry everywhere, they are people. So don't look for poop. Its look for people. And God has equipped you with something that you can, you can bless someone with. And and that's what this teaching this morning is about. And we are hoping that we'll have like, um, three minutes of activation. Amen. Okay? So we have a long list of possible gifts. You might find yourself in the reading, and if you do take out time to explore Father, until you are able to find the handle for the gift that God has blessed you with, if you are still with me, say amen. Speaker 0 00:07:59 Amen. Amen. Speaker 1 00:08:03 You are not, you're not with me Speaker 0 00:08:05 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:08:07 So no, no, no. Don't try, stop pray first, then start again. You're, we're in the same, we're in different locations. What you're playing is not where I am. And if you continue that way, I will not be able to flow in the spirit. I feel like a dwarf in the spirit right now. Speaker 0 00:08:25 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:08:26 Alright, so, um, you say, having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given unto us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith. Amen. Amen. There is a confusion here because I know this is an apostolic church. So there's so much of the word of God in this house. So I need to clarify this confusion because we have prophecy in this scripture as a gift that is powered by grace. And we also have prophecy in the book of First Corinthians chapter 12, beginning from verse one, prophecy as a gift of the spirit. So what is the difference between prophecy as the gift of the spirit and prophecy as a gift of grace? You see, like I said yesterday, if God sovereignly wants to manifest a gift through your life, a gift that he has already made, available, installed capacity in your spirit, you see, the thing about the gift of the spirit is that you have installed capacity of that gift in your spirit like a software, but it's only the Holy Ghost that cannot print it through you. Speaker 1 00:09:57 So if the Holy Ghost does not come and descend upon you in measures of weights and glory, that gift, even though it is in your spiritual configuration, your spiritual dna, it'll not be able to manifest. You cannot call that gift to comfort at will. That gift only comes into oppression when the Holy Spirit comes upon you in heavyweights and he decides to operate it through you. Yes. Right? But you see the thing about the gift of grace, are you, are you with me? Yes. Yes. Okay. So in order for the gifts of the spirit to operate, the Holy Spirit will have to descend upon you in a measure that is heavier than the measure you carry around from place to place. Alright? And when he comes upon you in that measure, he triggers the operation of that gift. But you see Speaker 2 00:10:55 <laugh> Speaker 1 00:10:57 No, no. You see now, I I don't have sight because cause Lord give my brother grace to do what you have called him to do in the name of Jesus. The first thing is this, the sound is wrong. That's first thing. The sound is wrong now. So stay with me, stay with me, stay with me. I'm, I'm hoping that, um, if we synchronize, I'll be able to do a brief practical session to illustrate, but that's dependent on if we synchronize now, stay with me. Um, so prophecy, for instance, as a gift of the Spirit is an inspirational gift. And when the weight of God's glory comes upon you, such a brother or a sister that has that gift from God, when the weight of glory comes upon you, then the fountain of the gift of prophecy opens up and you begin to hear in your heart the things that God wants you to say. Speaker 1 00:12:07 Now, as long as the inspiration keeps flowing, you keep speaking the prophetic world until the inspiration ceases. Right? So it means that your, your receptacle, your the organ through which you receive, and the process of speaking happens almost at the same time. But you see in the gift of grace, prophecy as a gift of grace. It's not dependent on the weight of the glory of God coming upon you. It is dependent on the presence of the spirit of God that is in your recreated human spirit. Are you with me? Yes. For instance, the Bible says we have an unction from the holy one. And we know all things. We know all things. We have a knowledge faculty, a spiritual knowledge faculty, that is part of our spiritual installed capacity. It is true that investment that we can have access to spiritual knowledge are you stay with me. Speaker 1 00:13:12 Yes. Alright. So that doesn't come you, you, that option, you bear it around everywhere you go, it's there, right? So it is true that investment of God and mean the presence of God in your recreated human spirit, that you can hear the voice of God, you can sense the move of God. And that's why, you know, you hear it within you because that's God's workshop and that's where he is, that's where the Holy Spirit of priests from. And you can hear the mind of God, you can perceive the heart of God right from within you because the Holy Spirit are you there? Yes. Causes your human spirit to hear God, to perceive God, and the weight of that, um, intercourses between your human spirit and the spirit of God through an activity of the Holy Ghost that is called discernment. You are able to know what is on the heart of God. Speaker 1 00:14:13 And all of that happens to you just because the spirit of God, true regeneration has his abode and his operating system upon your heart. Now, when you, when you pick from God, it can even take you two weeks before you bring yourself to the place where you want to say what God has said. You see, in, in, in, in the, in the case of the gift of prophecy as a gift of the spirit you are receiving and speaking is at the same time. But in the case of prophecy, as a gift of grace, you are receiving and your speaking doesn't necessarily need. In fact, it's not at the same time. Speaker 1 00:14:58 Are you there? Yes. So the first gift that was mentioned among nine gifts of grace that is captured in the book of Romans of the 12 where we read is prophecy. I need to explain prophecy. Ali lawyer as a hard lawyer. Now someone will, in order for me to do a quick job and have time for practicals, someone will need to help me with a few readings. Can someone help me with all you? Can you put it on the board? Revelation chapter 19 verse 10. Revelation chapter 19, verse 10. If you find it, just read to save time because it's all about time. This morning, Speaker 3 00:15:53 Revelations chapter 19, verse Speaker 1 00:15:54 10. Yes. Speaker 3 00:15:57 And I fell at the feet to worship Speaker 1 00:16:00 Him, and I fell at the feet to worship him. Speaker 3 00:16:03 And he said unto Speaker 1 00:16:04 Me, he said unto me, Speaker 3 00:16:07 You do, Speaker 1 00:16:07 It's not see you do it. Not, I Speaker 3 00:16:10 Am your fellow servant. Speaker 1 00:16:12 I am your fellow servant. I'm of Speaker 3 00:16:14 Your, that testimony of Speaker 1 00:16:17 Jesus and of the bread, and have the testimony of Jesus, worship God, worship God Speaker 3 00:16:22 For the testimony of Speaker 1 00:16:23 Jesus, for the testimony of Jesus. It's Speaker 3 00:16:26 The spirit of Speaker 1 00:16:27 Prop. It's the spirit of prophecy. Uh, the, the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Um, what Jesus is saying now is powered by the spiritual prophecy. So that's what the s spirit of prophecy is, is what Jesus is saying now. Or if you want us to put it in a more sophisticated mode, we can say it is a preceding word of God, what Jesus is saying now, and you can pick what Jesus is saying in the privacy of your communion time with God. Your heart can design what is on the heart of God. And if by any means you design what is on the heart of God, then it can only happen by the spirit of prophecy. The spirit of prophecy makes us discern what God is saying now. <unk> All right. Okay, let me take a scripture from the Old Testament so that I can bring a graphic picture, um, that will aid our understanding. Can we do Exodus seven verse one? If you find it, read Exodus chapter seven verse one. Exodus chapter seven, Exodus series one. Okay, next time allow, allow a sister read <laugh>. This is, it's, it's, uh, it's, it's, and the Lord says, great, you know, it's modest day. So let's, let's be sensitive. Amen. Speaker 1 00:18:18 Exodus chapter seven, one. And the Speaker 4 00:18:20 Lord said Speaker 1 00:18:21 Unto Moses, and the Lord said unto Moses, see, Speaker 1 00:18:26 Amen, God and I die, die, brother shall prophet, shall be die prophet. Now, so God was sending Moses to Pharaoh, but Moses had a challenge. He had a speech impediment, and he did not feel, um, competent for the assignment that God was sending him to dispatch. And he brought that complaint to God. And God now decided to, um, Moses supposed inability became the basis for which a ministry was created for I, he said, you be like a God to Pharaoh, you'll be like an authority in the eyes of her, but Aaron will be died, prophet. So if you see the use of the word prophet in that scripture, it is descriptive of a mouthpiece, a mouthpiece. So you have God, please help me appreciate your neighbor, that God is looking for a mouthpiece. Speaker 1 00:19:43 Do you know how do you know how powerful it'll be if if a mother just had a miscarriage and she's dealing with the depression that comes with a sense of loss? And while you were in your place of prayer early that morning, God now spoke to you about a loss that she had and that you should go tell her that, um, he's aware of this situation and she, he he's gonna give her double for her loss. And you just walk to this woman overtaken by depression because of the circumstances around her, and you become that mouthpiece to bring the council of God to that person. Do you know what it'll do to that individual? And it'll surprise you to know as we go on in the reading, because I want to, I want to read the scripture here, and the scripture I want to read here is First Corinthians chapter 14, verse 24, and was 31, first Corinthians 14, 24 and 31. If you find it read, he needs a mouthpiece. The, the struggles that people encounter in their daily lives will be much more easier to bear. If you could accept that you are gonna be God's mouthpiece. I I'm trying to bring a scripture. Have you found it? First Corinthians 1424 and 31. From if all Speaker 4 00:21:25 Person Speaker 1 00:21:27 And an believer or an un uninformed person comes in, he's convinced by all now he's convicted by all. What I want you to see in that scripture is no, you are not done. Tell you what now watch it. Are you with me? Stay with me. Stay with me. Stay with me. What I wanted you to see in that scripture is that the Bible says that every believer has the capacity to prophesy at in, in this area, this type of prophecy. Every believer that is saved has the capacity to bring a prophetic word that is stir up by the grace of God. And we know what the spirit of prophecy is. Uh, the spirit of prophecy gives us access to the mind of God. Speaker 1 00:22:19 So the moment you can access the mind of God, it means that part of the responsibility is that you are conferred upon because you can access the mind of God, is to become a mount peace for God, a mount peace for God. Once upon the time, a politician in Nigeria, I was still, um, in the oil industry then. And then this politician now comes to my office at work. And, and, and as I saw her coming, I knew that she was into politics and I knew that she was gonna win the elections. So when she stepped into my office, I told that, congratulations, you are going to win the elections. Meanwhile, she was just edged out in a pot. They edged her out. So she was coming to whip in my office. Somebody, somebody that knew me, brought her to me so that she can whip there and maybe I'll pray for her, but she just stepped in. I said, you are going to win the, how am I gonna, I just go there out. I say, then you need to hop into another party because you are going to win election. Speaker 1 00:23:42 So she, she went to another party, she want the primaries. Okay? There's something we call primaries. I don't know if if they do primary, okay? Okay, they don't know primary, no <laugh>. Alright? We are not the only one that wants to, to be in that, to run in that office in your party. So all the people that want to run for that office in your party will pick the nomination form, which is ex exceptionally costly. All of you'll pick it and then you now do primaries. All the registered members of the party that are in that district are going to vote for who will be the candidate. So she won the primaries, but it was manipulated and the guy that now manipulated the primary elections went ahead to win the elections. So she ran to me again trying to cry in my office. I say, go to court. And she said, no. And I told her again, you, you go to court. She now went to court and won her seat. Guess what? She came to me when she was edged out of the party. She came to me when she was edged out of the primaries. Are you with me? Yes. Speaker 1 00:24:56 She didn't come to me when she won the election. Speaker 0 00:24:58 <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:25:08 Do you know what, what kind of encouragement you can be to the next person by your sign? Just because you were able to tap into God's frequency and you understand his mind for the person in a current situation, God needs a mouthpiece. He needs a mouthpiece for individuals, he needs a mouthpiece for nations, he needs a mount peace. So in the book of first, um, where are you? Speaker 5 00:25:36 First Corinthians? Speaker 1 00:25:37 First Corinthians 1431. What does 31 say? Oh my God, Speaker 5 00:25:44 Sorry. 31 for you can all prophesy one Speaker 1 00:25:48 Stop there by one. That's all I want you to see. <laugh>, the, the Bible says that we are all capable of prophesying according to the investment of the grace of God that is upon our lives. Each and every one of us has a option from the holy ones by which he can know things supernaturally. So you can know the mind of God, you can know what God is saying. You can know what is on the heart of God. I had I had never met you before, but, but I I knew you before I came here. I processed my meeting you in prayer and I've been introduced to you by the Holy Ghost before I came here. We know all things the Bible says because we have received an unction from the holy one making us such men and women that can become God's mouthpiece, Speaker 0 00:26:47 Mouthpiece. Speaker 1 00:26:48 So there are two aspects to becoming God's mouthpiece. And, and, and that's what is captured by the metaphor Moses and Iran. Are you there in the book of Exodus chapter seven, verse one that I asked us to read, right? The metaphor Moses talks about the technology for, for receiving from God the receptor and the metaphor, Aaron, is the technology for speaking what you have received. God, sir, those are the two aspects you say with me. Can we press on No, no, we can't press on. It's already time. We need to, we need to do some practicals. It's already time. Um, I'm gonna round, round up with Acts chapter two. No, no. Acts chapter two is not the best scripture for that. Speaker 0 00:27:46 Mm. Speaker 1 00:27:51 Isaiah chapter 53, I believe will be the best scripture to ranwick. Isaiah chapter 53. In Isaiah chapter 53, we have what we call the three questions of redemption. Stay with me. Are you with me? Speaker 0 00:28:16 Yes. Speaker 1 00:28:17 Right. We have the three questions of redemption in Isaiah chapter 53. The first question is in verse one. The second question is in best one. The third question is in verse eight. The first question says, who has believed I report? Second question says, to whom is the arm of the Lord? Review. You know, many times when God comes into your space and God, um, is trying to educate you about how he operates, the things he will tell you are beyond the scope of your logic. Um, you see, you, you can't work with God from your head. Your head is limited. It's finite. And that's why your heart is a better organ with which to work with God. Your heart is capable of believing even when there is no physical evidence. Your heart is a love organ. It can love without seeing your heart is an entry organ. It has so much capacity way beyond your mind. Speaker 1 00:29:26 So if you see that scripture that says eyes have not seen, yes, have not heard, neither has it entered into the heart of mind. See, the the order in which those organs were were, were written in that scripture is the order of depth of processing knowledge. Eyes, your ears are deeper than your eyes in information analysis. And then your heart is deeper than your ears. Are you there? Yes. Meaning that your heart is so vast and that's the only organ that can deal with God adequately. Are you with me? Yes. Because when God speaks, it goes beyond your mind. So you will need your heart to be able to believe his report in order for you to be on the same page with God gone. Who has believed our report? And to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? The arm of the Lord will only be revealed to such that believe God's report. Speaker 1 00:30:36 I challenge you, I challenge you to believe what God, what you hear in prayer, those things you hear, God, most of you don't believe it. Those things that come to you in prayer. Okay? Imagine me in my village. In my village. You, you, oh, you don't know my village <laugh>, imagine me in my village, praying. Praying. And God now says, I'm gonna take you to the nations of the world. You are gonna be preaching to people that are not your kind and part. This, uh, weekend is a confirmation of what took place. Meeting you is a confirmation of what took place in my village. It's Sacri village to think that way that a boy in my village will be et cetera, preaching to white people. It's sacri you should be jailed for, for, for thinking that way. Ali is, is not the normal thing that happens, but who has believed that report? Speaker 1 00:31:36 And to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed. Verse eight is the last question and the story, the prophecy of redemption captured in the book of Isaiah chapter 53. He says He was taken from prison and from judgment, who shall declare his generation. That means he needs the mouthpiece. He was taken from prison, he would've spoken for himself. But unfortunately he was ticking. He was ticking. He didn't have sufficient time to speak for himself, to defend himself, to defend his cause. He was taken from prison. He was taken from judgment. The that day when he left home, he didn't know he won't come back anymore. But that would be his last day on Earth. He was taken abruptly. He was seized from prison and from judgment. And you will notice that, uh, according to the law of witness, if you want to condemn a man, you must allow him provide two witnesses at least to support his claims of truth. Speaker 1 00:32:44 But in Jesus' case, when he was judged before Pilate <laugh>, the allowance of witness was not provided. And that's why two witnesses who have to come in the end time to bring the witness that was supposed to be brought in pilots court, they'll have to come with witness so that the entire justice protocol can be sat satisfied. The Bible says that he was taken from prison, he was taken from judgment. And then the question goes, who shall declare his generation? Meaning that he needs a mouth peace. That's how we're gonna stop today. We're gonna pray. We have six minutes. Are you with me? Yes. Six minutes in this six minutes. Meanwhile, it takes, it takes 35 seconds to hear. God, it takes 35 seconds here. And I know you don't believe it, but <laugh>, um, James, can you, can you run a stopwatch because we want to time what we're doing, run a stopwatch. Let's see how long it'll take to secure the mind of God. You know, whenever we, we, we say we, we are gonna seek God's face. Some people say, ah, because they are seen trying to calculate the distance between eight and f and two <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:34:07 It's not that difficult. So I wanna practicalize it right now. So the stopwatch want to go. So we're gonna pray now is already running. Can we pray? Yes. Now this is how to, to secure the mind of God as you are praying. Maybe you came with your wife and you're sitting close to your wife, like my friend Henry. This is Laura, his beautiful wife. Forget about your wife for now. <laugh>. I know he can't do without his wife. He's always, eh, Laura, Jesus, <laugh>. But you see, for now, you just let go, Laura. So forget about who is sitting by your side and then empty your heart of all your care. Make it light. And then let's, let's strike Speaker 1 00:34:53 At the Lord. Alright, can we do that? Okay. You you start, start again. Start again. So that's what we're gonna do. Then we'll find out how long it'll take before we pick his mind. And in order for you to know that it is his mind, we'll ask him to do something to prove it. I think that's okay. Oh, it's not Okay. So we'll cut it. We'll cut. We'll not ask him. Ask him. I need a response. I need a response from me. Okay. Oh, okay. Okay. Alright. So we, we are in a moment of time and this is what you do. You just keep speaking in terms, make sure that nothing enters into your mind that is from this environment. Shield it from me, shield it from James, shield it, and just Exactly. All right, so let's, let's try it. I just keep speaking to Thomas. If you need to close your eyes to achieve focus, please do that. Please do that. Please do that. I can't hear you. I can't hear you. I didn't say meditative. Meditative. No, I In the name of Speaker 0 00:36:21 Jesus. Speaker 1 00:36:24 How many in the name of Speaker 0 00:36:26 Jesus? Speaker 1 00:36:30 Yeah, in the name of Jesus. I can't hear your amen. We have 20, 29 seconds. Did you pick anything? Because I picked too many things. Okay, one thing. Okay, one thing is I I I, I had the law speaking about a woman, a woman here that has been having this pain on her right leg for a while. Pain, there is this pain that you've been living with and the pain is on your right leg. And the Lord is saying that this morning is the morning for your healing. So where's that woman? You have this pain you've been managing on your right leg. Can you come? No, no clapping. No clapping. No clapping. This is where all of us, I'm just demonstrating what we should be doing every day, every single day you come and say, pastor Mark, the Lord said this. Allow him to judge it if it's from the Lord or not. But you have done what you believe you were dispatched to do. He needs a mouthpiece. The Bible say he was taken from prison, he was taken from judgment. Who shall declare his generation? I signed up, I signed up to declare his generation, Speaker 1 00:37:46 To speak his kingdom, to speak his power, to speak his glory. And many times I've done that and people felt Speaker 0 00:37:53 Mad Speaker 1 00:37:55 About my gods. Who does he claim? That's no longer my business. I was just a mouthpiece. And I I said it the way it came. I did not edit it. I just released it. I'm not, I'm not responsible for the consequences. I'll lawyer Speaker 0 00:38:14 <laugh>. Hallelujah. Speaker 1 00:38:18 So we are gonna pray with her. Okay? Um, what's, what's the situation? Oh my God. The, do you know the power of God is on you? Yes. You, you, are you aware there? Okay. So he's the one that spoke and that's why the power is on her. You know, the, the power of God moves in the direction. Sister Laura, can you, can you help me? Me? Okay. I don't want to have falling on the ground. Okay? Now, the power of God moves in the direction, not the voice of God. So if you can pick the voice of God, then you can move in the power of God. See, you just ask the Lord to do the things that he told you about. That's how power moves. Speaker 0 00:38:52 Alright? Speaker 1 00:38:54 Like, okay, wanna ask God, Lord, in the name of Jesus, can you straightforward your hand and begin to touch my sister's body from the crown of her head to the source of her feet and let that pain be taken away. Let that yk be broken, that your, the weight of your glory might descend upon her in the name of Jesus Christ. I act so God, that your mighty hand, your Holy Ghost will come upon her. So I I break that upon her legs in the name of Jesus. You see, I couldn't, I couldn't, I couldn't manipulate that <unk> The part of God goes in the direction of voice of God. Okay? No, no. One more time, one more goes in the direction. Goes in the direction of, Speaker 0 00:39:52 Yeah, Speaker 1 00:39:53 Okay. Okay. You see the healing? Oh, this one is another gift. Hmm. Oh, I won't use it. Let's just stay with protest. Hearing God and doing what he wants. Okay? Are you with me? Yes. I'm also seeing someone in a congregation. You have a hearing problem in one of your ears. I don't know what happened to you, but you have a hearing problem in one of your ears. And sometime you, you can't, you can't even take a call from that ear. You need to take your call on the other ear. Yeah. I'm trying to provoke you. Are you, are you seeing what I'm doing? I'm trying to provoke you. You see the angel come his mother's day. We, we shouldn't, we shouldn't go too high. We should respect the mother's <unk> Now listen to me. I I just found out why the angel came. I know you don't believe there's an angel here. You don't believe that? No, don't, don't Just stay with me. Stay with the reason why the angel came is because the angel came with, um, something like, uh, ah, I'm using another gift ticket. How will we, how when we gonna do this? Because I'm, this one is sight. It's not, Speaker 1 00:41:23 This is a vision. Okay? Permit me to climbing into something. Alright? So this angel came into this place with something like a lamp. Like a lamp. Ah, yes, yes, yes. The the, the hand of God is still out on her she'll soon, she'll soon recover the angel. Ah, my time. Sorry. Time up. Speaker 0 00:41:47 Oh, Speaker 1 00:41:49 Alright. See, so the, the angel angelou, the Lord that walked into this place, came here with something that looks like a lamp. And I know that thing, I know that sign. It means that there is someone that is in this auditorium this morning that God wants to begin to visit with prophetic dreams. That when you go to sleep in the night, and then this angel will come. Which revelations? Speaker 0 00:42:14 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:42:15 Okay. I, I, I now know more. Now this person is actually called into the office of a prophet. He's called into the office of the prophet. And you've been operating the prophetic at some level before this time. But now God wants to upgrade you because he's assigning this angel to be coming with insights around your life. A and Lord, if, if what I am saying is true, this prophet that you are grading this profit, that you are promoting this profit that you are adding rank to, I ask anywhere this prophet is in this auditorium, from my left hand side to my right hand side to the back of your auditorium, to the balcony up there, I act. So God, that your hand might begin to rest upon this prophet in a more mighty way, in a more mighty way, in a more mighty way, in a more mighty way, in a more mighty way. In a more mighty way, Lord, let your spirit come strong. Let your ooh, let your spirit come strong. Let your spirit come strong on this prophet in the name of Jesus. Now you can see that prophet there. She's not making this up. Are you with me? Who is with me is a cameraman with me. Speaker 1 00:43:29 Now this lady is a prophet. This lady is a prophet. And what is happening to her is that the angel of the Lord is beginning to cover her with a, a leaning like white garment, which is symbolic of the presence of God, that she'll begin to carry from place to place Grace upon your life today, let your sight in the spirit and your hearing in the spirit be open. Do you, do you believe that it's possible to hear God? Yes. Okay. So, oh, you see, she's also being given the gift of healing. Now the gift of healing has been released upon her. The gift of healing has been released upon her. And there is a cyclical sickness that used to come upon her that comes and goes, comes and goes. Uh, the gift that she has rec received has swallowed up that, that that cycle of sickness right now, all, all, all, all of that took place just now. Are you, are you following what I'm talking about here now? I'm expecting, uh, you be on your knees and you pick some things and you'll send me a WhatsApp message in Nigeria and say, I just, the Lord, just that's how we're supposed to be. Speaker 1 00:45:00 Your life and destiny will not be in the shadows. You are thinking of singing, you are thinking of singing, you are thinking of song immorality and then somebody sends you a message and thou shall not go. The person doesn't even know what thou shall not go means. But you know, because you are <laugh>, you know what is here Speaker 0 00:45:21 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:45:21 When we function that way, everyone will be secured, right? So we have <unk> Can you come? Okay. Speaker 0 00:45:37 So I was born deaf in my right ear. Speaker 1 00:45:39 So he, he was born deaf. In which of the ears? Speaker 0 00:45:42 The right Speaker 1 00:45:42 One. The right one. Now, so, um, can you, sorry. Uh, I love it. Amen. Now this, this is what you will do. Take your, this finger. Is there anybody start coming in for this same thing? Because you need to be following the instructions. This, this ear. Alright? So this is what you do and we don't need to do it too many times. Just one time and everything will happen. Check this finger, then you block the ear that cannot hear. Can you block it completely? If it's this way or this way? Block the ear that cannot hear completely. Still with me. Alright, so I wanna pray in a moment and rebuke the deaf spirit. And let's see if, Speaker 0 00:46:30 If, if here, Speaker 1 00:46:31 He may not hear, Speaker 0 00:46:32 But Speaker 1 00:46:34 Lord, in the name of Jesus, I arrest every spirit of deafness, deaf new spirits. Be pound deaf. Spirit be bound. Come out of the ear. Come out of the ear. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Now I command you here, here in Jesus name. Here in Jesus name. Remove this finger, put this finger block the one that can hear. Yeah. Those of you around them, can you help? Help them Test out that ear if they can hear. If you can hear you, let us know. Speaker 0 00:47:18 Yeah. Yeah. Thank you. Now, Speaker 1 00:47:25 Now listen. Listen. Okay, sorry. You can, can you hear? Yes, sir. Okay. Now. Now listen, listen. Don't ever forget this that the power of God. Oh, you are not with me. Are you with me? Yes. On the power of God flows in the direction of what? Of the will of God. So if I get an information from God, I can ask God do it. That's how power flows. Power gives flow on the wings of the revelation of gives. Speaker 0 00:47:59 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:48:00 I can teach you how to wield the power of God. I can, I can tell you that 30% of people they bury as dead can, could have been raised back to Speaker 0 00:48:10 Life. Speaker 1 00:48:13 30% of people that they bury as dead could have been raised back Speaker 0 00:48:21 To life. Speaker 1 00:48:25 That's for another day. Speaker 0 00:48:27 <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:48:28 Thank you for giving me, um, 10 minutes. So I used eight minutes out of the 10 minutes, so we still have two minutes left, <laugh>, and I'm gonna, Lord, in the name of Jesus, I ask, let this be permanent. In Jesus' name. Let this be permanent. In Jesus' name, amen. Speaker 0 00:48:51 God Speaker 1 00:48:52 Bless.

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