Shaun Hornsby | Through the Waters | Fear, Faith, Breakthrough

June 27, 2022 00:43:58
Shaun Hornsby |  Through the Waters | Fear, Faith, Breakthrough
Rediscover Church Exeter | Sunday Messages
Shaun Hornsby | Through the Waters | Fear, Faith, Breakthrough

Jun 27 2022 | 00:43:58


Show Notes

26th May | Sunday Message

This week our Youth, Young Adults & Students Pastor Shaun Hornsby bring us the 1st message in our “Through the Waters” series.

In this message Shaun looks at the story of Moses parting the Red Sea. Shaun challenges out perspective of life, looking at the different aspects of our life and asking us “Are we living out of fear or faith?” Whilst showing us the power of living in faith and what might come when we walk with a view of faith.

We hope this message helped, challenged & encouraged you.

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Scriptures Referenced:

Exodus 14:5-13

Hebrews 11:26

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Really excited to share this morning. If, if you are new here, my name is Sean. I'm part of the team here and, uh, excited to just be a two part series that I'm looking at starting off, uh, starting off today. And we're gonna be looking at a really, really big, well known passage of scripture this morning, uh, which I'm excited about as anyone heard of the splitting of the red sea and Moses. Yeah. Yeah. A few of you have, if you haven't, we're gonna read it together and uh, I'm gonna be, uh, sharing just some thoughts from what I believe God wants to say to us today, which is super exciting question for you to think about. Have you ever been fearful of something? Yes. Okay. Okay. Have you ever had a moment where something has taken place and fear has set in, perhaps it was the feeling of not being able to pay the bills, perhaps it was an accident that taken place, or even a doctor's note, a doctor's report that has come your way, perhaps something to do with a loved one, fear, we've all experienced it. Speaker 0 00:01:06 And we all know the powers of what fear can do in our hearts and our minds. Fear can paralyze us. It can stop us from functioning in the freedom that God has destined us for fear and disarms of our faith. And in some ways, cripple us to a lack of movement or even stagnancy fear, I believe is one of the greatest tactics that the enemy has been using to stop the church from advancing in the way that God wants the church to advancing. I believe deep down in my soul this morning that some of you are gonna be speaking to your fear this morning and telling it to move. Mm. So often within our lives, many of the things God has in store for us actually on the other side of fear, fear is an emotion isn't necessarily a bad thing. We all have every right to feel the emotion of fear. Speaker 0 00:02:05 It's not a sinful thing or a bad thing to have the emotion of fear rise up inside of our souls. We've all experienced it. And I'm sure in the days ahead, we may experience it again. It could be a news report. It could be something that someone says it could be something that's coming up in your lives. It could even be something from the past. That's creeping up and knocking on your door. Fear is a very natural emotion. But what I want to share about today as we look at this passage of scripture is I believe there's a big difference between feeling the emotion of fear and becoming friends with fear, feeling the emotion of fear is a very natural instinct, but becoming friends with fear is a choice is a choice that we make. And it's a choice that so often is very natural to every single one of us. Fear is something that I believe God wants us to deal with. Why don't you turn your attention to the screens really quickly watch this short little video that I found really helpful. That talks about fear. Speaker 3 00:03:17 Skydiving is a really interesting confront with fear Speaker 1 00:03:21 <laugh> Speaker 3 00:03:22 So I gotta stand up. I'll tell, I gotta stand up. You go out the night before and you, you know, you take a drink with your friends and somebody says, yeah, we should go skydiving tomorrow and you go, yeah, we'll go skydiving tomorrow. Yeah, yeah. You, yeah. Everybody goes, yeah. And you go home. You by yourself, you like <laugh> right. You are like, well, yeah. I mean, they, they was drunk too. <laugh> so then that night you're laying in your bed and you just keep, and you're terrified. You keep imagining over and over again, jumping out of an airplane and you can't figure out why you would do that. So you get there and then you have this safety brief, and you're standing there and the guys will tell you, well, if the shoot doesn't open, what's gonna happen is you're doing you. Well, why the hell? Why, what could happen? So you get onto their airplane and you're sitting there and, and you know, it's extra cuz you're sitting on some dude's lap, some stranger <laugh> trying to make small talk. Yeah man. You, so you do you be, you be jumping with people all the time. Huh? <laugh> so you fly and you go up to 14,000 feet and somebody opens the door. And in that moment you realize you've never been in a freaking airplane with the door, open <laugh> terror, terror, terror, terror. And then people start going outta the airplane. Speaker 3 00:04:48 And the guy walks you up to the end of the thing and you're standing and your toes are on the edge. And looking out down to, they say Speaker 1 00:05:05 3, 1, 2, Speaker 3 00:05:11 And he pushes you on two because people grab on three and you fall out of their airplane. And in one second you realize that it's the most blissful experience of your life, your flying there's zero fear. You realize that the point of maximum danger is the point of minimum fear. The lesson for me was why were you scared in your bed the night before? What do you need that fear for? Everything's up to the stepping out. There's actually no reason to be scared. And then in that moment, all of a sudden where you should be terrified is the most blissful experience of your life. And God placed the best things in life. On the other side of fear, Speaker 0 00:06:19 God thing, uh, placed the best things on life. On the other side of fear, anyone skydived in the room I have has anyone else. There's a few of you you'll be able to relate to the feeling that that will Smith there was talking about. And it is so, so very true. This fear leading all the way up to that moment. But as soon as you jump out, surprisingly, all that fear is shifted in a second. For many of us in this room this morning, we may be here for different reasons. You might be here because a friend invited you or perhaps you have family or friends or your parents come here. Perhaps you're a student at university. Uh, and you have decided this is gonna be your church for some of you. It might be because you like the songs or the sermons or, um, you like the community and the family feel, I, I don't know the reason why you are specifically here this morning. Speaker 0 00:07:09 But what I do know is I believe deep down in my soul, as I've been preparing and praying over this message over the last two to three weeks is I believe that God has brought some of you here specifically and intentionally for God to deal with fear in your lives. I believe God wants to eradicate and remove fear from his church in order for them to step in to the plans and purposes that he has predestined them for. And I believe this morning, God wants to bring us towards the attention of addressing our hearts and our lives and looking through the spectrum of our souls. And then asking the honest question of, do I hold any fear? Have I made friends with fear at any point in my life? Is there something inside that I have allowed to make home within my heart that now fear is set in there and it's stopping me from releasing me into the freedom that God has placed over my life. Speaker 0 00:08:01 Is there fear in our hearts that God wants to look for for us to look at and to address. We're gonna look at a story of scripture and it's the part of the red sea. It's the Israeli it's being called out of slavery from Egypt and Moses leading them to the great Exodus that happens in chapter 13. And then from chapter 14, they start to move from the bondages of the Egyptians and from Pharaoh. And they start to embrace this beautiful reality of freedom, but they start to recognize that freedom. Isn't always as simple as we might like it to be. That sometimes freedom even in itself has, has its own challenges and its own difficulties for us to explore and for us to navigate. And we pick up the story today. We're not gonna look at them, actually going through the red sea, hold your horses a little bit. Speaker 0 00:08:44 We'll look at that next week. I promise which you're gonna gonna look just a little bit before and I believe God wants to speak to us through the word. If you have a Bible Exodus, chapter 14, and I'm gonna read from verses five to 13, it will come up on the screen behind me. It says these words. When the king of Egypt was told that the people of Israel, the people of God had fled Farrow and his officials changed their mind about them and said, what have we done? We've let the Israelites go. Now we've lost their service. So Faro quickly had his chariots made, ready and took his army with them. He took 600, 600 of the best chariots along with other chariots of Egypt with officers over every single one of them and the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh king of Egypt. Speaker 0 00:09:25 So he pursued the Israelites who were marching and leaving slavery to embrace freedom. The Egyptian, all Pharaoh's horses and chariots horseman and troops pursued the Israelites and overtook them as they camped by the sea ne near P Harri off opposite bar Shan and as Farrow approach, the Israelites looked up. This is now from the, the beach on the sand and the, uh, the, the red sea is behind them. They look up and all around them are these mountains, mountains that are now filled, filled with one of the greatest armies that has ever been seen or understood in history, filled with chariots and swords and bows and arrows and people and horses. And as they look up, it says that they were terrified and they were terrified and they cried out to the Lord. And then they turned to Moses, the one who had led him to this situation, the one who turned up out of nowhere and said, God's calling you this way, follow me. Speaker 0 00:10:23 And they look at him and they say, was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you've brought us here to the desert to die. That's a bit of a burn, isn't it? What have you done tours by bringing us out of Egypt? Didn't we say to you whilst we were in Egypt, leave us alone, let us serve the Egyptians for it. Would've been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the desert. Moses answered the people and here it is, do not be afraid stand firm. And you will see the deliverance of the Lord that he will bring to you today. The Egyptians you see all over these mountains, you'll never see again. And here's the power verse in verse 14, the Lord will fight for you. You only need to be still what a power verse that is, Hey, the Lord will fight for you. Speaker 0 00:11:14 You only need to be still fear not and do not be afraid is a verse or words that is count in many, many times throughout the scripture, repetitively brought towards our attention. Jesus said it to his disciples time and time. He, again, he said, do not be afraid. In fact, Jesus even spoke to his disciples and said, there are gonna be trials and troubles that are gonna be ahead of you. And I wanna remind you in this moment when I go, don't be afraid. Don't be afraid of the difficulties that are ahead. Don't be afraid of the circumstances that feel like they're swamping. You do not be afraid. In fact, fear not, or don't be afraid is mentioned over 300 times in the Bible. Over 300 times, we hear this remark made to us. And I would like to suggest to us that this isn't just a good suggestion for our souls, but it's a command that God has placed upon our lives. Speaker 0 00:12:03 Yeah. That actually God wants to say to his people. This isn't just something that would be good for you is not just something that would be beneficial for you. But this is a command that I want you to live in the reality of, I do not want you to have fear in your hearts or of your souls of something that is past present or future, because fear is not part of the end game of Jesus Christ in his kingdom. Fear not do not be afraid. Take heart hold firm, stand strong. The verse in four 14 that we just read, the Lord will fight for you. You only need to be still. It feels like God wants to clearly and articulate get across the message to his people. That fear is not within his agenda. Isn't it fascinating within our lives that often we're on when we're on the verge of breakthrough of freedom, it is in those moments that the enemy starts to really push down on fear on our lives. Speaker 0 00:12:56 So often within our lives who are one step away from a breakthrough or from a freedom moment from liberation, from stepping into that, which God is corner to, to the next season and is in that moment, that fear starts to bury down on our hearts and on our minds. And here we have the Israelites, the people of God, the ones who are called out set apart from God, just like you and I, the church today, those who Jesus is called to be part of his story of building his church and building his kingdom. What an honor and privilege that is by the way. And here they are, and they are stuck on a beach behind them is the red sea that spans for miles. And then all around them is these chariots filling the mountains of hundreds and hundreds of one of the greatest armies known to mankind breathing down their neck. They could probably hear the chariots moving and the rocks fall in. They could hear the grunting of the horses, the clicking and clanking of their metal boots on the ground. The swords being pulled the bow arrows being stretched. And here you have the Israelites who are once friends with these people. And now back against the waters facing the sword, it was rather deaf by water or deaf by sword. Speaker 0 00:14:06 Fear is a very natural instinct to feel in this moment. I don't know if you were in that situation, but I certainly would probably be pooping my pants a little bit. Right? <laugh> sorry. Speaker 0 00:14:20 In this moment, as they're looking up, they're trying to figure out what, what's the next steps we do. Screw Moses. We're leaving him. I'm not bothered about that guy. He's just led us to this awful moment. I'm looking around and I'm thinking, is there a weapon that I can at least get to try to take on a couple of these guys? Is there a raft I can build to get onto the sea and try escape this situation? And suddenly they're trying to navigate their minds to get out of what is an urgent and difficult and fearful situation. What if the greatest battle next to the red sea wasn't Faroh and the chariots that looked up on the mountains. But what if the greatest battle that taking place in this story right now is the battle with fear, fear, that fear that you feel sometimes overcomes you, the fear that breathes down your neck and feels like it's trying to take you captive again, the fear of that, something that took place in your life many, many moons ago, and now you're scared it's gonna creep back up and make your reputation tarnished. Speaker 0 00:15:25 The fear of a present situation that's taking place that you just don't know how it's gonna go, or what's gonna turn out the fear of not knowing if there's gonna be provision ahead or protection ahead. The fear of something taking place of someone around us, that we love the fear of even the future, not knowing how the future looks and the fear that is drummed down by the media day in and day out of you don't know what's around the corner. You better get ready, fear that cripples us and stagnates us and moves us bound. I'm not about the fear that you can so often feel fleeting in this room. I'm not about the fear that when you are in bed alone at night and you're left with your thoughts and it starts to prop up. Yeah. The fear that nobody else knows about the anxieties and worries that weigh down on you in your, in your thinking that you think. Speaker 0 00:16:08 I can't tell anyone about these fears because it'll make me look weak. So I've just gotta try, push through and just hope that this fear is removed. I'm talking about that fear. We all have a fear somewhere in our lives. We all feel the fear breathing down Ann X. The difference is, is whether we allow that fear to make a home in our hearts. You know, I believe in every context and situation we find ourselves, we will, we will plant ourselves out of two different contexts with your relationships or your finance or your job, or your work or your marriage or your children, your parenting, whatever it is in your life that that are always propping up. It's always there. It's, it's consistent within you. I believe every single component, every little box that you may have com mentalized your, your life into every single one. Speaker 0 00:16:59 They will be spoken and lived out out of two different contexts. And here's the two different contexts. You will live out every context in your life, out of fear or out of faith. Yeah. <inaudible> everyone fear or faith. Fear to believe that that job that I've got an interview for is just not, it's not gonna happen. That's fear, fear that I'm thinking about the future. And I'm thinking, you know what? I don't know if this marriage is gonna work, that I find myself in that that's fear, fear, believing when we're thinking of our children, who we desperately love to see in Christianity and in faith and in church. But they're currently somewhere away. Fear says that they're never gonna come back. You have no idea what's going on in our lives. That, that fear, fear that consistently tries to dampen your faith and reduce you of hope. Speaker 0 00:17:50 I'm talking about that fear. Fear will always and consistently be something that stops us in our track and, and, and stops us from taking a step forward into the things that I believe God is calling us towards. I'm not about a fear that ruins your life in so many different circumstances, fear that you have allowed sometimes to make friends with. And as you've made friends with that fear is made a difference to the decisions that you've made in your life decisions, where you've gone. Do you know what? I'm just not gonna try, because I'm a little bit fearful of what will go wrong in that situation or circumstance. We can live from a context of fear, but let me tell you can also live from the promise of hope. We can live from the promise of faith and from hope and from trust and from the things that God has given us as much as we would like to. Speaker 0 00:18:31 But it's a choice in who we partner with, because fear, fear will tell you, don't take that risk. Faith will say, take the risk. And if you try and you fail, God will pick you back up and it'll get you going again. Faith will say, don't worry about what is next. Faith will say, my God is bigger than the fears that I face. I can walk confidently into this next season because I serve a God who's already before me. Amen. He's already behind me. Yeah. He's already around me. Faith, eradicates, fear and moves its from our lives. And it pushes us towards the destiny and the calling that God has got for us. I believe right now in this moment, God is calling his church to live from the context of faith and not fear. You know, the enemy has been using this tactic of fear a long time. Speaker 0 00:19:17 Hasn't he has anyone ever experienced the fear of the enemy? Trying to get you to think a certain way, do a certain thing, make a decision in a certain way. That's the enemy he's been doing it since the garden in Genesis one, two and three. And he is been continuing the same old trait, the same old tactic. Every single day. We face a barrage of the enemy, whispering fears into our hearts and whispering fears into our minds. Fears that say, you're gonna miss out on its plants. Fears that say that you're not good enough to be able to do that, which God is calling you to fears that say bad stuff is gonna happen to you. Fears that say your marriage will never work out. You'll never re meet the right person. You'll never be able to have the children that you so desperately want fears that say, you're never gonna step into the call in the plans. Speaker 0 00:19:59 The purposes that he has Prees was for, as it says in Romans, the good works that are ahead for us is the same lies, the same fear that was happening way back then. And it's still happening way back now. What if, what if we made a decision today to become a little bit more smarter and a little bit more wiser and say, enemy, you will not allow fear to come into my heart anymore. From this moment onwards, I will say no to fear. And I will say yes to faith. What if we come to a place where we start to figure out the same tactics and traits the enemy's been using on the church for so long and we become a little bit smarter and say, fear has no place in this building. It's only faith and faith alone. So here's what I wanna do over the next 10 minutes. Speaker 0 00:20:41 I wanna show you just three simple ways. Three steps that I call a roadmap away from fear, a roadmap away from fear. The first one I've already alluded to, and I've mentioned it multiple times, but I feel the first step of loosening fear in your life is to walk through it and to find faith on the opposite side, fear to faith. Fear can rather be the handcuff to your life that change you down, or it can be a doorway to a new reality of faith-based living. Here's a tip that I'll give you that I've heard before. That has found very helpful in my own life. When it comes to fear, it says these words. If we can shift our focus, I believe we can shift our fear. If we can shift our focus, we can shift our fear. If we can shift our focus, we can shift our fear. What is it? Speaker 6 00:21:40 We can shift our focus. We can, we can shift our fear. Speaker 0 00:21:45 If there's a fear in your life that you can recognize and understand, as I've been speaking, it's prompted up in your head and in your mind here it is. If you can shift your focus, you'll be able to shift your fear. Who wants to shift fear from their lives this morning. Hey, there's some fears that are not meant to be on your life. Friends. Don't become roommates with them. Don't become roommates with fear. Don't become roommates with fear. Don't allow it to just live. So you start to become accustomed with it. But today choose today or be a moment where I say no more to fear. Fear will, will not be the narrative of my life. It will not be the narrative of my life because it's not the narrative of the life Jesus has for me. How do I know that? I know that because the Bible says these words, the Bible says there is no fear in love, but perfect. Speaker 0 00:22:29 Love what cast out. Cast out fear. Doesn't just reduce fear by 20% does it, it doesn't bring it down by 30% or 40% or 50%. It doesn't just bring it down momentarily so we can sit over there and then come back in our life and we've gotta take another risk or another adventure with God. What does it say? Perfect love will what cast our fear. Some of us are gonna cast out fear this morning. I believe it. With all of my heart, some of us are gonna say no more fear. You've been ruining my life for too long. And from this day forward, I choose faith over fear because perfect love cast our fear. When we shift our focus, we shift our fear. What do we shift our focus towards? We shift our focus to the perfect love of Jesus Christ. Here's blood. It's the always the answer. The answer is really simple. And the Christian faith is not about a man or a woman. It's about Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone. Here is the one that is the perfect love that can solve all the answers to our hearts and to our souls. And if we can shift our focus, we can shift our fear because perfect love his perfect love has no place for fear. Fear, get outta here, get outta here in the name of Jesus. I say it and I feel it. And like, woo. Speaker 0 00:23:37 Some of you're thinking about faith as I've been sharing, you're thinking, well, I'm not person of faith. I see different people. And I see the faith they have. We hear of the historical men and women of God that have done great acts and we've spoken about them. We celebrate them. We thank God for what he has done in the past. Amen. We thank God for where he has brought us and where he is leading us. Of course we do. We thank God for those things. And we hear stories of great faiths. We, we hear movements of great faith. And often when we hear those things, some of us, it will rise up faith with inside of our souls and we get dead excited. And then some of us, we just think that's just not for me. I'm not a person of great faith. I just can't do that. I can't believe that way. I can't think that way. Well, the good news that I have for you this morning, as I believe, and this is just my belief, that faith, isn't the result of great confidence or boldness, but faith is the result of being filled of God's spirit and knowing his perfect love. If you struggle with faith, there's good news to you because the Corinthians tells us that one of the gifts of the holy spirit is what faith. Speaker 0 00:24:36 Faith is on offer for your heart and soul this morning. Not by me, not by mark, not by any of the team, but by the presence of God. Yes. And by the power of his spirit, amen. Here's a quote for you. If we feed our faith, our fears will starve. If we feed our faith, our fears will start church. Can we dare to dream that we will become once again, the fearless church that I believe God is calling us towards. Can we dare to believe that actually there are some adventures ahead for our own individual lives, but also ahead for us as a community, that's gonna take great risk and take great faith in order to see God do what he wants to do. I believe God in this moment is calling people towards faith. Once again, not just those that are Christians, he's doing that. Speaker 0 00:25:22 But also those outside there this morning in the first service, we saw two people respond to the gospel because God is calling people to faith yesterday morning in a field, in the middle of credit. And we saw 42 people give their lives to Jesus because God is calling people towards great faith. Every single day, all around the world, you might not hear about it. You might not see it, but God is calling his people to great faith. And it is great faith that we need as the church. Here's why the world is crippled by fear. Fear is everywhere on every doorstep, on every news outlet on every social media that you have. You will see narratives of fear. And I can guarantee you this. When the world is filled with fear, it doesn't need a church that is filled with fear. It needs a church that is almighty filled with the faith of God to believe that God is still doing the things that he promised he would do. Speaker 0 00:26:05 He's still advancing in admission. He's still building the church and the gates of how will not prevail against her. He is still saving souls signs, wonders, and miracles are still following the preaching of the gospel. All around the world. Chains are still being broken free. I don't care what addiction is in your life. I don't care what has gone on in your past. God is more powerful than every single circumstance we will ever come against. And if God would split the red sea for Israel to see freedom obtained for them, I still believe in this day right now, God would do the same for you and I. Yes. Amen. There is great faith that is being rised up because a world filled with fear needs a church filled with faith. But in order for us to obtain that faith, we need to be filled with this spirit. Speaker 0 00:26:46 We need to know the love of God, but here's something else that I believe in my heart that we need to do. We need to share more stories of faith. Yes. We need to speak about them and we need to get excited about them. We don't need to judge someone for what they're sharing or what they're saying. We just need to go card. You are so good. Thank you for salvation. Thank you for miracles. Thank you for testimonies. Thank you for what you're doing out there and in here. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. When we start to feed our faith, what will happen? Our fears will star stories like people from all over the nation in the last few months, relocating their whole lives to come down to the Southwest because they feel that God's calling them stories of church plants being birthed by people who want to give everything for Jesus stories of people who are willing to leave every financial security they've got in order to step into the plan and promises of God, because they believe he will provide stories of people getting saved all around the world. And here in this place, stories about God building his church and pushing back the kingdom of darkness and the gates of hell every step of the way. That's the stories we need to hear. Speaker 0 00:27:53 Forget the stories of the news or the media start to fill your life with stories of faith, because fear can lead to faith and faith can lead to breakthrough. Fear can be the entrance to faith and faith can be the introduction to breakthrough. Here's how I see it. The Israeli started in fear, which resulted in Moses, harnessing faith, which led to the breakthrough statement, which God commanded to his people. The Lord will fight for you. You only need to be still who wants breakthrough in their lives from fear to faith to breakthrough. Be still sounds like a very passive command from God in the middle of very active circumstances. Doesn't it? Yeah. I dunno if, if you are like me, but if I was one of the Israelis in this moment and God just said, Hey, just be still for a moment. Got all these Egyptians, just starting to pull back their bows at me. And God's just like perfect target practice. You'd just be still sounds quite bizarre to me. If, if we're really honest about it, why would he want us to be still? When the armies are pulling back, their arrows and their horses are grunting ready to charge and the swords are being waved around and the noise is starting to become great. What helps does it make for us to stand still in the middle of a moment where urgency is required? The command from God is be still, Speaker 0 00:29:36 Could it be that when we're still, it leads to revelation? Could it be that when we're still, it leads to intimacy and intimacy leads to trust. Trust leads to hope and hope leads to faith and faith leads to breakthrough. Could it be that in this moment, God, so clearly wanted to demonstrate his power and his sovereignty and his plan and his purpose that he just simply looked at his people. Speaker 7 00:30:18 Sh Speaker 0 00:30:21 You just be still a watch. Isn't that a reflection of our salvation. Isn't a reflection of every single one of us being broken and hurting and destructive people with nowhere to go. And the middle of great brokenness. We found a savior who just said, you don't need to do anything. I've already done it band. If you'd like to join me at this point, I believe Moses knew if he could just be still, he would knew. And he would recognize who was behind him. And it wasn't the sea. It wasn't deaf. It wasn't destruction. It was God, Speaker 0 00:31:12 Hebrews 1126 says these words about Moses is in an interest in this story, by the way, just a side note that in this story it was Moses' guidance and leadership that led the Israelites to a place that seemed incredibly uncomfortable and extremely fearful. I dunno about you, but it's in those moments that so often you could find yourself in a situation where you would start to doubt the leadership of someone that leads you to a place like that. Can I suggest this morning that sometimes the greatest leadership leads us to places that need the greatest faith for it to be work? Yeah, we can rather be a comfortable and stagnant follower of Jesus Christ, or we can be a church and a people that is uncomfortable and miraculous because we choose faith over fear. Hebrew is 1126, a close of this Moses left Egypt by faith fear. And you remember the story of the burning Bush. I'm not good enough. God fear. Moses left Egypt by faith, not being afraid of the anger and the reign of Pharaoh who was the king. And then it says these words at the end of verse, 26 for he endured Speaker 0 00:32:27 For, he moved for, he walked for, he lived by seeing him who is invisible. Speaker 0 00:32:43 I believe in this moment what, what God did in Mo in Moses' heart, as he's on the he's on the beach and the people are complaining and they're about to kill him. Really. They're so frustrated within his life is trying to get them to see the pathway away from fear. If we could just step away from fear or we could walk through fear, we would see on the other side it's faith. And when we start to see faith, we start to be introduced to all kinds of breakthroughs. And here's the greatest breakthrough that you and I will ever encompass in our life. It's not the breakthrough of the red sea. We're gonna talk about that next week and we'll get excited. God does provide for his people, but I want to, I wanna bring to you the greatest breakthrough that we'll ever understand is not a part of the red sea. It's not an impossible situation being made possible. It's not going through doors that God has, has, uh, provided for us. It's none of those things, the greatest breakthrough that you and I will ever understand and ever encompassed before the red sea and before the defeat of Pharaoh and the Egyptians of the breakthrough of seeing he, who is invisible. Speaker 0 00:33:43 The greatest breakthrough in our lives is a relationship with Jesus Christ. Our Lord and savior. The greatest breakthrough will will ever have in our lives happened 2000 years ago on a cross. When Jesus came and died for every single one of us, we might not ever see another breakthrough again, but guess what? We've already had one that will do it all. Anyway. If nothing happens from now onwards to the day that we go, the greatest breakthroughs already taken place, and it came through a man of Jesus Christ who purchased your life and said, you are value enough and you are worthy enough for me to want to bring you and adopt you into the kingdom of light. The greatest breakthrough we have ever experienced is not the breakthrough of the partner of the red sea is the breakthrough of our souls. Going from darkness to light, going from death to life, going from being blinded to our eyes, being open, the greatest breakthrough that will ever come into this place. It's the breakthrough of Jesus for he, who is invisible, led me from fear to faith to breakthrough. The greatest breakthrough that comes from faith is not the breakthroughs of personal gain. As much as they come. It's the breakthrough of understanding that the God we follow is greater than any fear we will ever face stronger than any fear. We will ever face more powerful than any fear we will ever face. And hear this. Those who have fear, God is more real than any fear you will ever face. Speaker 0 00:35:18 Would you stand with me church? Thank you. Speaker 0 00:35:26 I'm gonna pray for two things as the band leaders in a song, and we're just gonna wait on the Lord. I don't want you to feel like this moment is just a moment where you're waiting for something to happen, but instead I'd love to encourage you just to posture your heart in worship. Start to reengage with worship. Again, don't wait for something to take place. Just allow what God has said to you personally. It might not been anything that I've said. It might be something completely different, whatever it is. I want you to hold onto that. And I want you to bring it before God in worship. I want you to focus your eyes. Remember shift your focus. You'll shift your fear. So now is the moment for us as a church, just so over the next few moments to shift our focus, shift it away from our fear and fix our eyes in the king of Kings in the Lord of Lords. Speaker 0 00:36:07 And here's two things that I'm gonna pray for as we come to a conclusion, firstly, for anyone that's facing an impossible situation for anyone who's facing a red sea moment, you dunno where to turn or where to go. You can feel fears in your life fears invade your heart right at the beginning of the, of the sermon this morning, as I started talking about those fears and I, and I believe spirit is saying this. When I mentioned specifically about when you're in bed alone, left with your thoughts, there are fears that raise up and you, you knew them straight away. When I spoke about it, those fears, I believe God wants to show you his perfect love this morning. So those fears can be removed. And I'm gonna pray just to, just to pray for those people that, that want, that, that want fears to be eradicated from their lives that want to go from fear to faith to break through this morning. I wanna pray for you. So if you would just close your eyes out of respect for those in the room, if you have one of those moments, if you would just love me to pray for you on the stage, I'm gonna ask you to lift up your hands and I'm gonna pray. You can do that now. Thank you for the hands that are going up Speaker 0 00:37:13 And here's what I'm gonna do. I'm I'm gonna pray for you just now. I'm gonna, I'm gonna pray a real short prayer, and then I'm gonna say, amen. And, and here's what I want you to do. Keep your hands raised for those that have got it. If you would appreciate after me some full followers of Jesus gathering around you and putting their hands in the shoulder and standing with you and praying for you personally. And I want you to keep your hand raised and I'm gonna allow people to come pray for you, but let me just pray for you quickly. Keep your hand raised. Holy spirit fear is something that trips us up consistently, and it's okay to feel that emotion of fear, but sometimes we make friends with it and it becomes part of our lives. And I ask for every impossible situation that is represented in this room, a situation that feels like a red sea moment. They're waiting for God to make a way where feels like there's no way God. We believe that nothing. Isn't, nothing is impossible with you. So we ask right now by the power of the holy spirit for your perfect love first to come and cast out fear in the name of Jesus. We say fear, be removed, not by power, not by raising my voice, not by my strength, not by tone, but by the spirit of the Lord and his perfect love fear, be gone in the name of Jesus. Speaker 0 00:38:22 Be gone in the name of Jesus and father. I pray for impossible situations to be turned around. You're the Waymaker you make miracles in deserts and stream lands. You bring forth through and living waters. And I ask now, holy spirit for you to impart into your children, your sons and daughters, a faith to believe that you are behind every circumstance and every situation. If you would appreciate some people just continuing to pray with you, then you keep your hand raised at this moment. And it's just gonna signify to some people around you. Church. If you not got your hand up, could you just look around if there is someone close to you, could you just pray for them? If that's okay, ask for the holy spirit to fill their lives and for faith to be imparted the gift of faith, to rise up for the gift of faith, to rise up Speaker 0 00:39:23 The gift of faith rise up in people's souls and minds and hearts, gift of faith, spirit release your spiritual gifts, release your spiritual blessings to your church. May faith arise, church, faith arise, son, faith arise, daughter, faith arise, faith arise. Faith arise in this place come forth, spring up. Oh, well faith arise. Faith arise in hearts. Faith arrive a arise in purpose and destiny. Faith arise in the past in the present and in the future. Faith arise for decisions that are gonna be made in the coming weeks and the coming months, faith arise in people's minds and in people's hearts and in people's souls, may faith arise. And as faith arises, as we feed that faith and we believe that God will do what he said he will do. He will accomplish the promises that he's spoken over our lives. We ask and we demand fear, be removed, be broken off, be broken off in the name of Jesus. Speaker 0 00:40:23 Every fear be loose. Be loose. Every fear come off people's minds off people's hearts off people's souls, fear be loose, be removed, be removed. We speak to the fear and we command it to be loose in the name of Jesus. Be removed, be removed and let perfect love cast out fear. The love of Jesus Christ. Fill every heart, fill every mind, fill every soul and let every fear be loose. Let every fear be banished fear for the future. Fear for the present, be gone in the name of Jesus. Be gone in the name of Jesus. Be loose, faith, come forth faith before we pray it in your powerful name and your powerful name. Amen. Amen. Before we worship, Speaker 0 00:41:24 I wanna, uh, give the invitation opportunity for anyone that wants to follow Jesus this morning to be able to do so. Perhaps you've been hearing about faith and you've been hearing about what God has done for our hearts and our lives. You've recognized and sensed his presence this morning. And perhaps this morning, you wanna say yes to Jesus. You wanna follow him? You wanna give all your, all your attention and all your mind and all your heart and soul towards following Jesus for the rest of your days. And if that's you, I would love to pray for you. Be my greatest honor. My greatest honor, to be able to pray with you and pray for you. So again, as all eyes are closed and I know some people are still praying. If this morning you wanna say yes to Jesus, you wanna start to follow him or you wanna come back to him and start to rededicate your life towards him. I want you to do something really bold. And as every eye is closed, just out of respect for those here, would you just lift up your hand? Really heaven, really high. And I'm just gonna pray that shoe Speaker 0 00:42:20 Does anyone in the room and I, who wants to follow Jesus this morning. Thank you. Thank you. There's anyone else? Speaker 0 00:42:40 Okay. To that person, that's just responded to wanting to follow Jesus. I love you to just pray this prayer after me. Jesus, thank you for your, for giving your life for me. Thank you for your perfect love that cast out fear. Thank you that you want to take me from fear to faith to break through. And I ask that you will filming with your holy spirit. I turn away from my sin and all the wrong I've done in my life. And I turn towards your love. Forgive me, cleanse me, purify me and fill me with your holy spirit. I choose to follow you and your powerful name. We pray. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. For that person that responded to the gospel tonight, we'd love to chat with you at the end of this service and be able to give you some things that'll just help you in your journey in the coming days and weeks. But church, thank you for being with us this morning, the band they're gonna lead us in a song. And I know some people are still being prayed for. We've got a lot to rejoice and give. Thanks about three people have given their lives to Jesus this morning Speaker 0 00:43:49 From fear to faith. It's a breakthrough in the name of Jesus. Amen. Thank you man.

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