Celia Apeagyei-Collins | 11:30 Service | 23rd April

April 25, 2023 01:05:01
Celia Apeagyei-Collins | 11:30 Service | 23rd April
Rediscover Church Exeter | Sunday Messages
Celia Apeagyei-Collins | 11:30 Service | 23rd April

Apr 25 2023 | 01:05:01


Show Notes

This Sunday we heard from Reverend Celia in both our 9:30 service and also our laer, 11:30 service. She brought great wisdom and it was a pleasure to hear her messages.

This is her message from our 11:30am service.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:05 Well, it's a great joy to welcome Reverend Celia with us today. It's her first visit, not just to rediscover her first visit to Exeter. Um, she's a lady who travels around the world, um, 52 nations. She's visited ministering the gospel. She speaks to CEOs, to, um, leaders of nations. And she also mentors young people. She's involved in so many areas. She's pastor a church, but she's an apostolic grace carry in person. She carries something a stirs the body of Christ up. And I'm gonna ask you to put your hands together and welcome Reverend Celia. Bring God's. Thank you so much. Speaker 2 00:00:49 Thank you so much, pastor Mark. Well, good morning to you. It's a good, good, good, good morning. Um, I'm enjoying Exeter. I have, um, eaten some great fish and chips that I look forward to, truth be told. That's why I came <laugh>. But I said this morning that Jesus said, when you go somewhere to preach, you are not obligated to release what you have until you have seen how they treat you. Seriously. Go and read it. And he said, because how they treat you is indicative of how they'll treat what you bring. Wow. That's why when he went into a city and they did not receive him as he was, he left without ministering. He could not do any miracles. It's didn't mean that he did not have capacity to, but he did not find the cooperation and the excitement, not the anticipation. And God is not going to give his pearl to swine. Speaker 2 00:01:47 God never called anybody swine. It's just that when you give pearl to swine, they don't know how to exhibit and glorify it. They put it in the mat and God will not have that of his glory. I have met a house that is very receptive, just Jason texts me like 50 times just to make sure that I was okay from the day that I accepted the invitation. And, and it was, it is always wonderful. It's always wonderful. I always tell pastors, be careful who picks up your guests because they're the first ambassadors of the church. Be careful who interacts with the church. So I'm already excited because I, the first person I wanted to meet was David. That was Jason. You know, it was lovely. But thank you so much for your warmth, for your hospitality. I got to spend time with your family and I fell in love with your family. I even fell in love with your dog, Scarlet. That's saying something I didn't tell them yesterday. I said, I hope they don't have a dog. I told my sister <laugh>. So when I called home to say I'm fine to say, was there a dog? I'm like, was there a dog or was the dog lying next to me? And I was stroking it? I've arrived <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:02:58 But listen, hey, stop laughing. My time is going <laugh>. I just want, I said this morning, I wanted to also appreciate when I see good pastors from the time I met, I think we met at a Care UK retreat. And then I, I think last year I met you in Nita as well. Um, pastors are, congregations are revealed by pastors. When you meet a pastor who comes from a trouble giving congregation, you know, you can sum up the congregation just by meeting the pastor for 10 minutes. But I met pastors who were like showing off about their people. You know, they're good, they're cool, they're at rest. It doesn't mean pastors don't have challenges, but it just shows that they don't have congregations that give them <unk> or stress. No pastor can arrive by themselves. Every leader needs the cooperation of his people. So earlier in scripture, you see, even God, the ultimate pastor come to his sub pastor and tell him, Hey, Mo, we've got problems with these people. Speaker 2 00:04:08 The agenda, the objective is to go to the promised land is to, is to redeem those lands for the kingdom. But we can't do it with these people. So I have a great strategy, let's kill all of them. <laugh>, by the way, I'm not making this up. You know, that's in the book, right? Let's kill all of these people. That's God's best strategy, <laugh>, and let's raise up another. And Moses said to God, not on your Nelly, you're gonna have to kill me first. Yeah. That shows Moses's pastoral love Yes. For his congregation. But the reason I'm saying this is sometimes we don't always appreciate the choices that leaders have to make against the prophetic council of God. God was like, eh, you know more than me. Right? God's giving a prophetic insight of what can happen in the future. They will frustrate you. They will sabotage you. Speaker 2 00:05:02 You are not gonna make it. And his strong love for his shepherd in heart, he called it this morning for his people overrode God's pastor of prophetic Council. That's how much leaders love their people. And it costs pastor more his future. I mean, we're hoping that our leaders will make better choices, but I just wanted to say, let's appreciate them because they couldn't have been, you know, I've said it, you are laughing, but it couldn't have been easy for Moses. I can imagine at night he's thinking, what do I do my life for this, my future for this? And Indian is like, God, I just can't let you do these people this thing. They've journeyed with me. They've given me sleepless nights. They're miserable murmuring people. Nothing satisfied them, but they still is my people, man. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, we thank you, thank you for loving us, water and all. Speaker 2 00:06:05 Thank you for making choices good and bad because of us. But you know what, thank you for staying the course. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. But you knows something. Also, thank you for being who you are. Amen. 10 years ago, you could have easily rejected him. He came with his shoes. He didn't come to fill in one. And you know, the most difficult thing for any church is transition. God's biggest problem with, with, with, with Israel was two things. It was not a sin problem, it was an identity problem. And it was a transition problem. Because when, even when people prefer garlic and leak in slavery to the challenges of liberty and freedom, you understand what I'm saying? Yes. And, and, and they preferred the old. Yes. As bad as it is, as we say the devil, you know, you could have easily been rejected. Speaker 2 00:07:06 I know many pastors who can't take it anymore. Like, God, I know I'm only a pastor, but get me outta here. But you receive them, you accommodated them. You allowed them to become them. And so today, I believe that God celebrates you too. Amen. Amen. Thank you. Thank you so much. Well, this morning I, I spoke out of my spirit and I'm gonna do that a a little bit. And then it's be slightly different from, from some of the things I shared. I don't know where God is gonna take it. So all his spirit, here I am, put your words in my mouth. Let me speak as the oracles of God this morning. A word in season to the we. We let your word be irreversible and irrevocable, accomplishing what you're assigning it to do in the lives of your people. We pull down strongholds in our mindset. Speaker 2 00:07:56 So God, of everything that exalt itself against God's truth, everything that is prevailing in our hearts and minds, that drives us away from you, father that masques us. You, we ask that it be exposed today. Transform us by the renewing of our minds. Heal us while we are speaking. Bring deliverance while we are speaking. Ignite fires inside of us. Strengthen us with mind in the inner manner to all patients and no suffering. Father, give us a revelation of you and a revelation of us. Yes, let know where that I speak for to the ground without bringing forth a mighty harvest. So Father, allow me to speak sensitively according to your will in hearing causes to hear, in seeing causes to receive as I speak in love and humility to your people. In Jesus' name. Amen. One of the most significant things that have changed my life recently has been a scripture. Speaker 2 00:08:47 One day I was praying, and this came in my heart, and it's from Revelation chapter 12, uh, verse, uh, verse 10 actually says, then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, now salvation and strength and the kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ have come for the accuser of our brethren who accused them before our God day and night has been cast down. And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb. We say this all the time, and by the word of the testimony, and they did not le love their lives to the death. But what we fail is verse 12, we fail to go there. This is it. He says, therefore, rejoice all heavens and you who dwell in them, whoa. To the inhabitants of the earth and the sea, for the devil has come down to you. Even God feels sorry for us. Speaker 2 00:09:32 Man. That's serious stuff. You know, I know we say, oh, the devil is doing this. But even when heaven sits back and said, my God, the earth is in trouble, the earth is in great trouble because Satan has come down having great Roth because he knows that he has a short time. My heart fell when I read this. Now I understood the things that are happening, and it doesn't get better when it comes to this. What darkness is doing, it gets worse. Then a song of of proclamation of redemption comes in Matthew 1618. Matthew 1618, you know this already. Jesus declares this, and I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven. And whatever you lose on earth will be losing heaven. And verse 18 says, and I also say to you that you are Peter. Speaker 2 00:10:29 Now this work, I will build my church. I will build my church. And the gates of Haiti shall not prevail against us. I'm like, yes, the devil is, has come down to do his west, but there's an army that has been built to do their best. You don't understand what I'm saying? Listen, today I prayed for you. I prayed that God would give you a hunger and a thirst for greater things, for wonderful things that God would activate you. You know why God gives you hunger. Jesus will never bless you without, with beyond your hunger and your thirst. He says, those who hunger and test for righteousness shall be filled. I think a lot of times we spend time praying for things we shouldn't be praying for. Yes. Okay. When we should be praying for essential things like hunger. Yes. You know why God put hunger into your system so you would remember to eat. Speaker 2 00:11:13 Yeah. Otherwise you'll die. And so the important thing is not to eat. The important thing is to have hunger. So we pray right now, lift off your hands and say, God, fill me with your hunger. Fill me with first for the things of God. Because when you are filled with the things of God, you know, no limits, you know, low boundaries. I was thinking this morning, I'm gonna go back there, but was thinking this morning as we were worshiping, I didn't get time to say, but I wanted to. I just thought when you, when you understand, understanding is a big thing. The Bible says, you see a man who lacks understanding, he will dwell in the assembly of the dead. It doesn't mean he will die. What he does will be unproductive if he doesn't do it with understanding. And I thought how powerful we, we are, whether we are in the shower or we are congregated here as a congregation, when we meet in the posture of worship, just ignite something. Speaker 2 00:12:02 I, let me just share a couple of things with you. Um, um, because that's the where it starts from. It's this intimacy with God. It is this connection with heaven. He says, I will build my church. And the first thing that he builds his church for is that it connects with heaven. And so there's a worship thing. There's this connection of intimacy. Intimacy allows us to realize who we are. And the more he says, we always unveiled faith, beholden the glory of God have become like him. I like that. I have become like him. And so intimacy when, but it's amazing that sometimes if we're not careful, we can come and we can do the three floss and two slow. I don't know how many slows we did this morning or how many fu but it's, it's like a prelude to something. It's not a prelude to something by itself. Speaker 2 00:12:42 It is powerful. Did you realize how powerful worship was? That God says, lay on your bed and sing aloud, and then he doesn't finish there. He says, he becomes a two edge sword in your mouth, may look at your neighbor, say, I'm powerful. I'm, I'm powerful. He says, lie on your bed. When was the last time you intentionally, purposefully lay on your bed and says, I will exalt you. And you are lifted up and magnifies his name. And he says that you do that, he becomes a two edge sword. You know how important that is. He even tells you, he says, uh, in the times that you can't do it loud, he says, make melody in your heart to God. And even that is effective. I mean, what's the devil gonna do about this thing? I'm powerful. Whether I sing aloud in the shower or I'm standing at the bus stop and I'm making melody in my heart to God, something is going down. Speaker 2 00:13:31 I just love being a Christian. I really do. I get excited. You know, we, I and I, I live for people to see how powerful Christians are. Man, I I I, when we gather like this, I, I don't know if you know what is happening, just because we we're so used to feeling sensations that when you don't feel something, but faith is not about feeling. Faith is about knowing and being fully persuaded about it. I was telling them this morning that one day we were worship service and head of hospitality was dropped by her daughter who had bled in totally. And well, wasn't even saved then, but you know, when she'd been brought to church and was used to going to church. And then she decided, I've gone to uni. I've done that and I'm not doing God anymore. Four hours later she goes out and the daughter has, daughter has not moved, the car has not moved, daughter has faces French with tears. Speaker 2 00:14:20 Not all over the place. She says, what's happening? She says, when I came in there was worship. God came in the car. I'm like, yay God, can we have more of those things? I wanna go out there and they're cast that are arrested. But people who told us to stop just because we got a good feeling here. Come on, I don't have time to go into two kings. 13 where the, there's a, there's a king. Then Eli is on his deaded and he calls the king. And he says, come here king. And he says, put your hand on mine. And he begins to shoot an arrow. And he, they shoot several times and he, Elijah gives the arrow to Elijah, gives the arrow to him and said, you shoot. And he shoots three times and he stops. And God was angry. And God says, who told you to stop? Speaker 2 00:14:59 Who told you to stop? You only did three. Why didn't you do four? Why didn't you do five? Why didn't you do six? He says, but because you've only done three, that's all you're gonna have. We say over this house, you will go beyond the, we remove limitations, we remove every false boundary. Who told you that We're enough people here? Man, the danger of the church is become satisfied with too little, too soon. Okay? There is a, uh, uh, uh, um, what should we call it? Configuration. They see Elijah. I mean, if it was me, I might, I'm lying there for the next week. I'm not even gonna bath. Just in case, you know, maybe the glory settled on my clothing. And they wanna build a tabac. And then Jesus says, what, what, what's wrong with you, Peter? What's wrong with you? And we're not building no tabernacle. It's like when we see something again, Peter experiences a, a great miracle with the, with the fish in the boat. And he and Jesus says, man, chill out, bro. This is nothing. If you, this is basic level miracle. He says, I'm gonna give you the miracle of how you speak. Ordinary words and men's hearts will be transformed. I'm telling you tonight to this morning, we widen the gates, we remove the boundaries self-imposed that are not imposed by God. Speaker 2 00:16:20 So that's why we asked for hunger, because hunger is never associated. Just when you experience something, it was a bait. He says, ah, I'm reeling you in now. I'm just showing what you have capacity to do. They came out there, you know, I love Jesus's a training, uh, uh, uh, system and infrastructure. It's practice. You be with him, you, he, he models it for you. Then he releases you to go do it. And then you come back and you give a report. And so there's appraisal and they come back and they say, ah, man, I'm sure Peter said, God, John, God, you should see, see Jesus, you should sleep. John. As soon as he did this, people fell. And they did that in the lame. And, and, and. And Jesus said, guys, it's okay. It's okay to give thanks. It's okay to rejoice just as long as you don't put a full stop where there was a comma. Speaker 2 00:17:02 He says, because rejoice But rejoice more. Cuz even Hell fears you right now. And heaven recognized there's a new grace upon your life. Even otherwise, there's more to come. There's more. Look at your neighbor. Say there's more. There's more. There's more. There's more. There's more. There's more. There's more. There's more. Let me just do another one. You know when we gather like this and we worship, when I first came to England, I'm from Ghana by the way. And when I first, are there any Ghanaians here? I knew it was a real church, I just knew it. Speaker 2 00:17:35 <laugh>. Listen, when they took me to Saintsbury and when I went to Saintsbury, I wanted to see exotic fruit cuz I, I thought exotic fruit. And so they showed me a pineapple. I was really offended because where I come from, pineapple are the cheapest things. Cheapest like 10 cent Tempe. Wow. They just chop 'em up and put in the plastic and sell them by the wayside. Poor man's food. Then they showed me a coconut. I was even more offended. <laugh> cheap. Then to add insult to injury, they showed me a mango. I don't eat mango. I went to boarding school. When you starved, you didn't even throw a stone because all you had to do is if you shook the thing at four, my friend always used to pick from the ground. Nobody picked from the ground. She's called something, something bend down. From now on, she's 60 something. Speaker 2 00:18:26 We still, we still refer to her as uh, bent down. You know, <laugh>, it was cheap. It's plenty. You just throw one stone 50, calm down. I don't know why it's exotic and I don't know why it's expensive. And then the holy priest stood to me, he says, listen, it's expensive because it's rare. The soil might be perfect, the seed might be perfect, but when the atmosphere is wrong, you can't grow it. Atmospheres are congealed. Climates are congealed atmospheres. When an atmosphere is sustained for a long time, it becomes a climate. He said that's the very reason why you have perfect tropical weather. But you can't grow cherries, you can't grow kiwis. You can't grow poag greens because the climate is not conducive. What the church has done is we've settled for seed. We never consider the atmosphere. But if you sustain an atmosphere for a long time, it becomes a climate. Climates determine what grows and directs. Speaker 2 00:19:28 I wanna ask you rediscover, what climate, what do you want to see etc. Become? You first of all have to deal with the climate. When you put a climate in place, everything responds to the climate. Climates are governing atmospheres. That's why from now on we won't do worshiped for us only we have to learn how to release the sound. I don't have time for the sound. I hope I'm coming back because we're gonna deal with the sound. <laugh>, everything responds to sound. Have you noticed there's got to be a time when we worship that strikes hell in Satan. God, yes. Have you noticed how you can watch a film? You're not in the room and all you hear is you can tell what's going on in the film. Cause he goes and you know something bad is gonna happen. <laugh>. How you know you have not seen it. Speaker 2 00:20:21 Sound is communication. Yes. So this morning, how did you release your sound when you sang a beautiful name? Was it what a beautiful name or what a, were you making a declaration? To whom it may concern? Hallelujah. <laugh>. Hallelujah. Were you declaring something? Were you dispatching something? Yes. Were you changing something? Hall? I wonder what it would look like. I believe we are coming to a place where miracles are gonna break out. Hallelujah. We're not gonna have to even mention the wedding. There has to be a time when miracles break out naturally. <laugh>, somebody will say, I'm walking. I can see Ah, yes, just in the middle of worship. Not when we have an intentional, let's come forward and let's break. Hallelujah. I know. What about you? But like when we grow to 3000, who has time to line up people? Speaker 2 00:21:10 We're not gonna have the time to line up people. There are some things, listen, it's a bit like unsaid prayer. You shouldn't be surprised when your prayers are unsaid. You should be surprised when your prayers are unanswered because there's some things that are just natural. We've entered into a new season. Seasons are important. Everything seasons determine what ha heaven is doing, how you must respond. Okay? And in Luke chapter 22, Jesus told his disciples, he says, when I sent you out to preach, he said, what? I told you not to take script. Remember, don't take press, don't take change of clothing. Remember you do remember, don't you? I'm not making any of this up. You can check it out or beat the man afterwards. He brought me here <laugh>. Okay, but you do remember, don't take script. Don't take per don't take this. Then he goes on says, but now just think I didn't read from the scripture. Speaker 2 00:22:00 I don't want people to think who have you brought that doesn't lose the, the Bible. So let me just read to all of you religious people look 2235. And he said to them, when I sent you without money, bag, knack and sandos, did you lack anything? So they said, no, we didn't lack anything. Then he said, but now everybody said, but now, but now matters. Say now matters Now means the season had changed. Yes. And when the season changes, the instruction changes. So I wonder what new instruction you will be left out if you continue business as usual. And sometimes the church can move on while some people never move on. Yeah, that's right. Because they assumed things would work the same way as it did before. So they never quite move on with us. It he says, let him take it likewise and knack everything I told you not to take, take. Speaker 2 00:22:56 And if you don't have any buy, sell everything you have and buy. Every advancement is preceded by a set of instructions. Every single advancement is preceded by a set of instructions. We need to pay attention. I wonder how many of you have already made up your mind. You're not coming to the prayer seminar because you know it already, but it doesn't work that way. That's right. We have no idea what new instructions we are gonna receive. Interestingly, I was saying this morning that in this lesson that we read, there are still missionaries that are sent out without navsup, without change of clothing. Because they said, Jesus said that they didn't read the next verse. Huh? We expect missionaries to go with nothing. He said. But now Jesus was saying that because when he sent them, he was there. They didn't have to worry about food, no tax money or anything. Speaker 2 00:23:58 He knew where the latest fish was without gold in his mouth. But now he's gonna leave. They need their weights around them. It's a different context. It's a different set of instructions. Our world is not the same. Things have changed. We need to be on the ball. Yes. We need to hear what God is saying. We need to create different climates before God. And so that comes, brings me to the next bit that I wanted to talk to you about as we go, he says, remember he says, I will build my church and the gate of hell will not prevail against it. So the first thing is that the church connects to heaven. And I I I I didn't, that's not my intent. I really don't wanna stay too much on the Ecclesia this morning. But the Ecclesia is not a gathering of people that just come. Speaker 2 00:24:40 The ecclesia of the church was not coined by Jesus. It was a legitimate, uh, collection of peoples from society who were put together to decide policy. Wherever any church is deem as detained, who goes and who comes in. That's what binding and losing is about. Who, what we allow and what we disallow. It's about time. Rediscovers got up and says, these things will not happen while we're here. Not on our watch. Amen. Power my God authority. <unk> These things will not happen. I wonder what it would look like instead of just going and and just bringing people to Christ. Only what happens if we determine there will be no drug dealing on our streets. Not within five our mile perimeter. Amen. Amen. That means we pray a certain way. That means we posture ourself a certain way because every ecclesia is a governing thing. By the way, one of the, the tasks of the Ecclesia, of the, of the, of the Ecclesia or what we call in the English the church was also to declare war. Speaker 2 00:25:42 No nonsense. We're not nice par they declared war on anything. And today we declare war on anything that doesn't look like Jesus. Amen. That's what the Ecclesia is supposed to do. Everything is supposed to be answerable to us. We are powerful. So I wanna just share some things about who we are. Very important because if you don't know who you are, it is impossible to live successfully beyond what you believe about yourself. It is not possible. You cannot live successfully beyond anything that you believe about yourself. The very first lesson, God called Jesus before he started ministry was in Matthew chapter three and God at his baptism, one lesson and one lesson only. You are my son. Wherever you go, remember you are my son. Wherever you go, remember you are my son. One short lesson, one short sermon. You are my son. He walks out of the temptation, uh, out of the river goes into the desert and temptation starts and what's the first thing the enemy says? Speaker 2 00:26:42 Are you a son? Hmm? Your identity is always the very first thing cuz that the enemy comes against you with if he can't kill you physically. Remember they tried to kill this baby physically from the time he was born in Bethlehem. Thank God for wise men that didn't go back to her. Yeah. Okay, look for 18, he announces his anointing. They tried to push him off the cliff. He disappeared. I like it again. I told you about seasons. When you know your season, you know how to behave. Okay? And some of you don't realize you can. When you know your seasons, you can war with your season. You can war even for your life. They couldn't kill him while he was a baby. They couldn't kill him when he announced his anointing. You know when they could kill him and get ceremony? Is it me? Speaker 2 00:27:23 You are looking for he hand, he hands himself over to them. That's right because his time is up. When you know your destiny, when you know who you are, you determine, I like what Simeon says in the temple, when they brought Jesus to the temple to be dedicated like we did this morning, he says, now Lord, let your 70th pardon peace. What he said. Let me paraphrase for you. He says, death now I give you permission to exit outta here cuz I'm ready. I said, Lord Jesus. That's how I wanna go man. That's, can you understand you? We sometimes we behave as though we have been. We are pray to what's happening in society. But the Bible says, God has not left us. Pray to the teeth of the enemy. Now start acting like a victor, like acting like somebody who at the beginning and the end start acting like somebody whose course has been prepared by God. Speaker 2 00:28:12 Jesus said, man, it doesn't mean I can stop the attacks man. I can't stop the attacks, but I can stop being a prey. My God. He said, you can't take me. But when the time came, he offered himself Yes because it is written. This is how, that's why he looked at pilot and said, you don't take my life. I lay it down <laugh>. I lay it down. When you know who you are, you behave differently. Your language is different. When they say there's a casting down, you declare there's a lifting up. Cuz I I I operate from another place. I've seen something else that's society is looking for. Have you ever wondered why there's such a gen an identity crisis? The gender thing is an identity crisis. Yes. Because it started from the beginning. It was how Satan got humanity in the beginning. He comes to Eve and says, has God said if you eat this thing you'll be like God Eve should oppos and said, but I'm already made like God, I'm in the image of God. Do you know how many of us don't think about what it looks like to be made in the image of God? In other words, when God looks down, he sees himself. Yes. And we're gonna just spend a few minutes just looking at that. What does it look like to be made in the image of God? Speaker 2 00:29:24 Jesus goes in and, and, and, and because when you are a son, they're two Greek wordss for son. The first one is Tekon. A born son. Your born. Those who were, were, were, were, were, were who believed on him. John one 12 He made them. He called them and made them to become sons. Tek, you are produced. Sons look like daddy. They behave like daddy. Literally when they see you, they must see God. That's why he says, let your light so shine. A lot of times we equate the light as an anointing. It's not a light chain, it's the light. He says I am the light of the world is being, being proceeds doing and being is superior to doing. You are you do out of being out of who you are. He says, let your light so shine that man will see of your good works and glorify your father. Sarah come up. This is Susan. Otherwise known as Emma, otherwise, no. No not, not yet. Otherwise known as Sarah. Not yet. If I stood, let's just imagine. I'm tense tone. Use your imagination, stretch it. <laugh> the Lord forgive you. If I stepped on her toe right now, what would you see? Ow. Ow. I thought you were a nice girl. Why didn't you just pretend I'm a size eight Speaker 4 00:30:48 <laugh>? Speaker 2 00:30:50 She would feel my ow. She would feel my glory. She would feel the sum total of my clothing, my intestines, my kidneys, my skin, my hair. The one I paid for in the one God gave me originally. Everyone of the my jury. She would feel a sum total. Why are you laughing? <laugh>? The rule of tum is this. Everything God gives you in seed form, refine it everywhere you can. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:31:20 So when she I stand on the foot, she'd feel my glory. The sum total. That's why we say glory is kaun is the weight. It's the sum total of everything. God is when he says show forth my glory. Let your works. In other words, let people see me in you. Hi. When you bring a solution down, they say only your daddy could have taught you that. Remember Jesus spoke and they said, man, this guy speaks different. He speaks with authority. Jesus says, demonstrate me by the way, uh, this is for another sermon. But Jesus is not just demonstrated in tongues. Speaker 2 00:32:00 He's a sevenfold spirit. Spirit of wisdom. Amen. Spirit of counsel, council, spirit of understanding. Where did that go folks? Where did that go? Why did we stop speaking just as tongues? When were we deliberate and said this community needs some solutions. Come on, we're going to download them. Car. That's what Joseph had. He brought a 14 year economic plan that transformed the whole of the oceanic nation. You go read it. There was HR in there, <laugh>, there was an agricultural plan. What to plan. There was an architectural plan. Silos. There was a whole business plan. And Pharaoh looked at him and says, I don't have anybody who thinks like you. And by the way, Pharaoh said you can give me these answers because the spirit of the Lord dwells in you. That's what God was saying. They know the spirit of the Lord dwells in you. But the only encounter they have is one. They cannot connect it because it ends with you and me with ilo Baba. They have not seen it manifested yet. But I reckon who designed this world must have solutions for fixing it. For the first time he introduced himself to us. We see him fixing a broken world. Nothing has changed. Speaker 2 00:33:25 Nothing has changed. That's why I'm not satisfied to just see people come to Christ. Cause when they come to Christ they must live. Amen. Amen. They must live and they must live in society and Christ is not sending them back into a broken place. They must fix a broken society. But that's another sim. Are you still with me? Yeah. He says, show forth my glory. By the way, did you know that it was either Darris and Naza said the same thing to Daniel. When Daniel gave him and says, he says, I know you can give me these things because the spirit of the Lord drew. When was the last time somebody looked at me and said, I know you are like this because the spirit of the Lord make that your ambition. That's what Jesus said. When you prove your, when you solve problems tomorrow at work, I tell my young people, I say don't tell me. Speaker 2 00:34:14 Some of them are social workers, some of them are lawyers, some of them are teachers. And they complain. They don't like me. Uh, they're picking on me. They send me all the children who are difficult. I love you. They don't give it to you. Must they give it to I thought the spirit of the one who can fix things realize it is dwells inside of you. Tomorrow you're going, well go to work. You're gonna rub your hands again and say, God, let them bring it on the difficult cases. Bring it on. Sir. If they don't give it to you, in whom dwells the spirit of the living God who can do all things? Who must they give it to? This is the problem with the church. That's why people can't associate. It's like we live in another world. Sunday was connection day. Monday is demonstration day. Sarah, do you wanna come up very quickly? Yes. So I know I was telling you something before and uh, somebody messed with my head and it went outta my head. <laugh> it keeps coming and going. You know when something is at the tip of your tongue and yet, ah, what was I talking about before? Help me out. Help me out. Help me out. Speaker 5 00:35:12 Wait, wait. Speaker 2 00:35:17 Identity, understanding, weight. Just testing to see if you're listening. Yes, <laugh>, it'll come. It'll come to me. It'll come. Seven spirits of the living Gods seven. Full spirit. We're still talking about identity. I remembered when Do you know why identity is such a big thing? When somebody steals your identity, they don't want to be you. Steve, Sean. I knew it was an S. Help me Lord. <laugh>. When somebody steals your identity, they don't want to be you. When they steal your passport, they don't wanna be you when they steal your credit card. They don't want to be you. They want what your passport and your credit card gives them access to pause. Now think about it. That's why the question of identity is not a small one. I wonder what Satan wants, which is why he's confusing our young people with an identity crisis. That's exact. Speaker 2 00:36:15 He has no changed. Nothing new under the earth. He started, he knew as soon as he confused the woman about her identity, he had access to what God had given her. But not on our watch. Everybody say not on our watch, not on our watch, not on our watch, not on our watch. Not on our watch. We know who we are. So when you are born again you are a techn. None. But it's not enough. Those who are led by the spirit of the Lord, they are called what? The sons of God. That word son is not tekon. It's whose mature sons in whom much can be entrusted. Grow deeper. That's why we have the deeper so we can mature and the more we mature, we show that we can be entrusted with great things. God will only give you at the capacity at which you can handle. Speaker 2 00:37:02 He told Israel that. He said little by little I'll give you the land. Not that I can't give it to you. I'll only give it to you little by little when you show me you have capacity to handle it. I wanna show something very quickly. So Sarah, are you wet? Yeah. She's been so nice to me. I feel so mean doing that, but I'm enjoying it secretly. <laugh>, are you wet? Yes. Okay. Are you wet? No. Are you wet? No. Yes. Are you wet? No. Let's say this is the Holy Ghost. It has capacity to do something, but this thing hasn't got Capa. This is me. I don't have capacity to do the things that this this can do. Okay? So if I want this to be able to do the things that this can do, I baptize it. The word baptism means to immerse the law of baptism says this. Speaker 2 00:38:00 Everything that is baptized takes on the nature and the substance of the substance in which is baptized. Let me repeat that. The law of baptism says everything that is baptized takes on the nature and the character and the capacity and the ability of the substance into which it was baptized. So if he's had baptized this in oil, what would happen? Oily. You could almost fry your egg on it, right? Yeah. Cuz it's oily, right? Because what naturally it adopts and takes on the nature and character. Are you wet? Yes. Are you wet? Yes. What this could not do before the process of baptism enabled it, why do you think the day of Pentecost was as it was? Speaker 2 00:38:50 Thank you. The importance of the nature of baptism of that day was that the church was born in its power. The relevance of baptism was that each man would hear in his own language. In other words, when baptism was over, we become relevant to the community in waste. But the power of baptism was the coming of the Holy Ghosts. When people were baptized, they put on the capacity of God, Hey, stay with me. That's why we ask you for proof. Jason, give me proof. Or we ask Nita for proof. Give me proof that you've been baptized. You were loud enough over there <laugh>. So gimme me. That means she's gonna speak in tongues, right? Because it's proof. Did you teach yourself ma'am? No. Got food with the Holy Spirit. You got filled, you got baptized. Baptized with the Holy Spirit, you got baptized with the Holy Spirit and you came up with proof. The tongues of angels that you could not teach yourself because you took on a capacity. You could not. But let me ask Ator, who told her to stop there? The same spirit who fills you with a language is the same spirit who raises the dead. <unk> Speaker 2 00:40:17 Is the same spirit who heals the sick. If they're sick, people will say <unk> Some people like they don't feel like they're right. Do you have half a spirit <laugh>, my dear? Do you have a quarter of a spirit? Do you, do I have more Jesus than you have? Jesus. Anybody with a half? Jesus, maybe you left him on the cross half of his body. Every one of us has the same measure of Christ. Yeah, every one of us has been baptized into the same Holy Ghost. Every one of us has give, has access potentially to the same capacity of the Holy Ghosts. But can I put it to you? Sometimes you have not because she didn't ask. Because in our own minds, we have relegated ourselves in our own minds. We have appointed. You know when you say that, when I grow up one day I will get there. Speaker 2 00:41:15 Who told you that day is not now as long as there's a need, the spirit of the Lord is ready to manifest. Yes. As long as there's a need. I asked myself as I went to God and I said, Lord, let your river flow. I felt like God was say, why do you want my river to flow? I said, because God, there are too many people everywhere. I tend addicted to addicted to heroin. You know what my dream is? I don't wanna bring them first to church. I wanna touch 'em like this. And I wanna say be even when I don't say be gone and I'm greeting them, something ought to jump from me into them. Something. The anointing destroys the york and removes the burdens. I wouldn't life be exciting every day? No wonder we are not excited. Wouldn't life be exciting every day if you woke up and you knew that yesterday's not gonna be the day the same as tomorrow. You wrap your hands as you come outta your door and say, who we gonna get today? Woo. Speaker 2 00:42:04 Seriously, who we gonna get today? What is the whole I, I think the most bored person must be the Holy Ghost. Consider all of this power. Consider all of this grace, wisdom, understanding. He didn't even tell you to, to, to, to limit it to certain times. But we've become religious people. We're more familiar when the Holy Ghost act here I go into boardrooms and I'm teaching leadership. I take biblical principles and I borrow MBA language and wrap it around it. <laugh>, by the way, you know why they're handling things on behalf of my daddy? Mm. The earth is the Lord. The fullness the of the people. They don't dwell. They're in. They're handling my property. Yes. They better have the right wisdom to handle it. Okay? And I borrow and sometimes we'll be there and they're like, oh Celia, when you're speaking with full goose peoples, I can't tell them is the anointing. Or sometimes I've had oil, you know, I've been flown by an oil company to another country to just speak to the executives and then they'll, one came. I don't know why I'm crying. He senses the presence. I may be among unbelievers, but I carry the presence. Hallelujah. Amen. Tomorrow morning, remember you carry the presence and the presence. That's good. I thought you said there was fullness of joy in the presence. Who told you it was only in a religious gathering? Yeah. Come on Speaker 6 00:43:27 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:43:29 Who told you? Oh, they might say to me sometimes somebody said to me, oh, I feel like running around the room when you're speaking because something is going on inside of me. I've had Muslims say that to me. <laugh>, and I know he's a swear. I love the Holy Ghost Now. I love him when he fla he, he acts like that's in a non-religious setting. So I'm gonna, as I get ready, I'm winding up now. Is it okay? Yeah. You okay? Yes. You're not gonna tell him not to invite me again. Are you? All right then. Anyway, listen. One day the Israelites went to war with the Philistines. One of their simple moments and the act of covenants in whom God's presence was, was captured by the Philistines. They took it and they took it to their God in food in front of their idol. Deagan and Deagan is there, and the following day when they come, Deagan has fallen down. I like it. Yes. Hey, where I come from, they say that <unk> power, pass. Power. Yes man. I love the power of God. I love the wisdom of God. Speaker 2 00:44:42 They prompt prompted, what's the word again? Hmm? They prompt him up again. English language or is it because I'm thinking of lunch <laugh>, they propped him up again and they came back. This time his head was gone. I like it <laugh>. When daddy shows off like that, I'm like, sometimes I pray. I kid you not. And I'm like, daddy, show off a little bit. Show off a little bit. Show off your power a little bit. Yeah. And they were not too short. So they had direct tests. They, they took this box that they said this Israel, I said, contain God's presence. They took it to uh, one of their towns and there was cancer all over the place, many tumors. They finally tied this box to a couple of mama cows and they said, mama cows who just had babies. And they said, when the babies cry, the if your mother instinctively, you will turn to your babies and they will not be able to proceed towards Jerusalem. Speaker 2 00:45:41 When they put the babies cried and cried, the mothers were steadfast and kept going. Wow. Then the Philistines knew there is power in the box. They left that house. The box in the house of Obt Eden. Butum was not an Israelite. All his ugly daughters found husbands <laugh>. The Bible says everything that he put his hand to prosper. There's something about the presence of God that rejuvenates. I love it. Maybe the whole earth has been waiting for a manifestation of sons because sons carry the presence. Sons bring God. Are you changing your mind about going to work tomorrow? Stop hating them so much they need. Remember, war is the earth, but glory. When the church comes, they need something of the presence. Tell God tomorrow I want to carry the presence I wanna carry. You know, when you carry the presence, you won't have to always initiate a conversation. People will initiate a conversation. You have an opportunity to show off your God. Sometimes people need a little bit more proof. Sometimes we do too much talking. Speaker 2 00:46:49 That's why David jealously fought even at the expense of a man's life to bring the act back to Jerusalem because the presence meant everything would change. But the reason I'm telling you this story is this. God says he doesn't dwell in a box anymore. What's his new address? Hello, right now in Exeter, this is his address. Celia PK Collins Does then that mean what the presence in that box did in Philistine. It can do again Jesus Christ. The same yesterday, today. And for may God deliver us from telling stories and living the story. Amen. May God deliver us telling stories and living the story. It is real. I got two points to make and I'm done. In Matthew chapter 11, Jesus says this. He says, okay, Clarence, please pick up your kids. Now, that's not Jesus saying, Jason or somebody said that. <laugh>. Matthew chapter 11, Jesus makes a statement. Are you still with me? Are you learning something from us? Isn't it exciting being a Christian? Amen. Matthew 11, Jesus says this, he's talking about the kingdom of God in the 11. He says, assuredly I say to you, among those born of women, there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist. But he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than John. He says, in the kingdom of heaven, every John is greater than all of your heroes. Who are some of your heroes? Talk to me quickly. Who are some of your heroes? Speaker 2 00:48:32 Esther Joseph. Full of wisdom and favor. Esther delivered the whole nation from Annihilation. Who else? Joshua. Joshua. Man of war and power spoke to the son, stood still. Can you imagine that kind of power? That's how I feel like right now. Could some stop the time in terms of, you know, wonder working powers like that? Who else? Noah found favor with God. Elijah? Yeah. Speaker 2 00:49:00 Smoke. Fire. I like it when that's another show of situation. Elijah was secretly a show of right who puts water then ask God to manifest through water. You know, I like that. I like people who remove the limits of God. Amen. Remove the limits of God. Elijah raise the dead all man of things. Moses, part of the Red Sea spoke to rocks. They gave out water, spoke to the heavens in brought forth manor. You can imagine these are powerful people. And the Bible says, John the Baptist is greater than them. Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters. John never committed. Um, John, never uh uh, uh, uh, uh uh. What is the word? Um, performed. One single miracle. Not one. He didn't even heal a headache. And God says he's greater than Moses who performed these miracles. God says he's greater than even Abraham, who you call your father. That is serious stuff. Pastor Mark. God says, John is greater than Abraham. Your father. Speaker 2 00:50:00 He's greater than David. He's greater than who else? All of your heroes. And yet John never performed one single miracle. What is it that makes John great? What he think that ma gives John an edge over others is he? All of the others, including Isaiah, they prophesied well about Jesus. They had a great prophetic revelation. Even Jesus said to his disciples, your fathers lived to see this day that you are eating with me and conversing with me. But as for John, he didn't just talk about the lamb. He saw him, he touched him. He said, behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. He, he him, he interacted with him on a personal basis. It wasn't a concept, it wasn't a prophetic word, such as I see the apostle said, we have touch, we have tasted, we have heard. That was his testimony. That's what gave him. One happens over the others. It was proximity to Jesus. He had one leg in the old and one in the new. He is leaving the old. And he saw the the God of the New Testament and it was his proximity to him that makes him greater than others. But the verse doesn't finish there. The verse says this, what does it say? Speaker 2 00:51:29 He says, but he who is leased in the kingdom of heaven is greater than John the Baptist. He who is leased. In other words, if somebody got born again 10 minutes ago, they're greater than John. Let's do it. If they're greater than, who is John greater than? Please talk to me. Elijah, Elijah, Moses, Moses, Abraham, Gian, Esther, Joseph. Is John greater than them according to Jesus. So if somebody gets born again 10 minutes ago and they're greater than John, are they greater than Elijah? Yes. Are they greater than Moses? Yes. That's you and me. We are greater than these people. Hang on a minute. What makes us greater? See, a lot of times we assess our lives and greatness be before people and before God, according to achievements who I preach to so and so. I'm anointed like this has nothing to do with anointing. Speaker 2 00:52:24 It has everything to do with proximity of Jesus. The reason you are greater than John is this John saw him in the flesh. But Jesus no longer is outside. He has come to make his abor in you. And he doesn't just live here. The Bible says you have become one with him. Literally. When you become one with somebody, it's heart to separate that which we have is superior to that which Moses heart, he had an anointing. We have the anointing with his anointing. That's why you are greater. Now I'm saying this, it sounds titillating to the ears. This is something that we have to pray and pray over and say, God, let the revelation become fleshed inside of us so we can live it. Imagine a life when you take the limitations off because now the one who authored all of this thing in these people now lives inside of you. If you ever thought that you were insignificant, you've obviously never been to bed with a mosquito. Speaker 5 00:53:33 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:53:38 The opposite of the word insignificant is trivial. Small, unless you know. Do you know why many of us are not active? Because we are like, who can I offer? They're more clever. They are better people. They're, how many of you have ever felt that you just feel inadequate in the spirit's? Like they're always better people? Can somebody describe an elephant to me? Big, big, strong, tough, heavy. Smells. Smarts. I beg your pardon, <laugh>. That too. Maybe he's got a trunk. Speaker 5 00:54:18 Looks Speaker 2 00:54:19 After he looks after its own floppy ear. Sorry. Never forget. Never forget. It's fearless. Do you, can anybody, has anybody seen a mosquito before? Can you describe a mosquito, sir? Annoying. Persistent, NOIs. Noisy. Painful. Painful, dangerous. Expensive. If you wanna go to the tropics, right? Did you notice what you did? You described the elephant to me largely in terms of his physi. You described the mosquito to me in terms of its impact. Effectiveness in the kingdom is not about bigness, it's not about achievements, it's about impact. We have what it takes to impact. We have enough that when we open our mouth, and you might not have shared the gospel with anybody because you're thinking you're waiting. I'm not enough. I'm looking for a spiritual moment. But whenever you open your mouth, the power that backs it, listen, I reckon as I finish that the mosquito probably wakes up in the morning. See? And you know why sometimes daddy goes to bed and say, nobody should disturb me. Nobody. Nobody's allowed to disturb daddy. The mosquito doesn't hear that. It goes into NoGo areas. The mosquito is the only one who has the power to disturb your no do not disturb. It enters, and I think the mosquito realizes how much power it has. So it starts with Speaker 5 00:56:10 <laugh> Speaker 2 00:56:11 And the moment it starts with sound war has been declared. Now listen to me. It's not big. Most of you ungrateful Africans, some black people, people could not describe it yet you have known it all of your life. It still doesn't stop the mosquito from doing what it has to do. The moment it enters and it starts making noise, it has declared war, and you reach for a weapon. The mosquito, as small as it is that nobody can describe, it's the only one who can get a grown man to behave like a mad man. <laugh>. If you have ever been to a mosquito ridden place, you see people doing this. Speaker 2 00:56:58 Only a mosquito can get anybody to behave like that. My friend literally was fighting a mosquito tree. She slapped her own ear and broke her own earring. <laugh>, we are still talking about a creature that you cannot describe. A mosquito can cost you a whole lot of money when you wanna go to Africa or someplace, or Asia, at least 120 pounds in injections. And yet you couldn't describe it. Why does the church think he needs multitudes before it can invade, et, etc. It's a question of I told you, nobody can behave in a manner that is opposite of how a man views himself. I believe that God sent me this morning to remind you, you are not inconsequential. You are not small. You came with capacity. War is the earth for Satan has come and it's wrecking devastation. But there was a sound of hope that also came. I will build my church. Amen. And the gates of hell will not prevail. Guess what? The church is right here. He's built it. Now. Go be. I didn't say go do be because that's who I really are. You carry God. Do God rise to your feet? Let's just pray for one moment. Speaker 2 00:58:33 First of all, every head bow, every eye close. If there be anybody here, you don't know this Jesus that we've been introducing. You don't know this Jesus that we've been talking about. Please just slip up your hand and say, so I can pray with you. You don't know him. Or you might want to, you've wandered a little bit away. You might want to rededicate your life. So I can pray with you. Nobody. There's an army rising, huh? Speaker 2 00:59:08 I hear an army rising to break every chain. Break every chain to break everything. I hear an army rising up. There is an rising up to break every chain. Break every chain, break every chain for the last time. Say, I am the army and I'm rising up. I am the army. Mommy. I'm rising up to break every chain, break every chain. Break every chain. You've heard enough this afternoon. Talk to God about it. Maybe you need to renew your mind. Maybe you need boldness and courage. Maybe you need to be hungry for more of God. Maybe you wanna say, God, I don't even know where to start. I just want you to use me. And if you can use anything, Lord, then I know you can use me. Take my hands, Lord, take my feet. Touch my tongue, touch my heart. Touch my eyes. Touch my ears. Speaker 2 01:00:39 But God, don't leave me the same as I came in today. God, use me to touch somebody. Use me to show forth your glory. God, open my eyes. Let the scale fall from my eyes. So I see capacity. I see strength. I see power. I see wisdom. God, so I can hallow you in me so I can bring you glory. Maybe that is you just take a minute, every head bow, just talk to God right now. Whenever a message goes for there's grace. There's grace. That means something is hanging in the air. That means there can be importation right now. Say, God, I don't want to go out of here weak. I don't wanna go out of here lame. I don't wanna go out of here insignificant. I wanna walk out of here feeling powerful. I wanna walk out of here feeling excited. I want you to use me to do something to show forth your glory, to Asha in your kingdom. The good news is that the kingdom has come, Lord. And so I'm available, I'm available, I'm available. Open my eyes to see somebody. Open my eyes to see, open my eyes to see. Come on, you have not because you didn't ask. You have not because you didn't ask. If you are hungry, he will fill you. If you ask, you receive exceedingly, abundantly above everything that you asking all of imagine. So Lord, this afternoon, we wanna bless your people today. Speaker 2 01:01:53 Lord, there's so many communities lying in devastation, helplessness, despair, hopelessness, the enemies on sheathed. But you had an antidote. Your Holy Spirit working through the church. A people valent, a people strong, A people mighty, a people bold, a people courageous, and people like you. So this afternoon, I ask God that you open the eyes of our understanding that as your people leave and as they get into their beds, you remind us day by day, who we are and who's we are, where we have come from, and what we must do. Activate us in your fire and in your power. Activate faith. Activate boldness, activate confidence. Activate an awareness of God inside of us. And every day when we come back from being out there, let us bring back trophies of testimonies. Let the weak begin to say, I'm strong. And the poor begin to say, I've been enriched because of what God has done in me, with me and through me. Speaker 2 01:03:08 I pray for rediscover church, as you go into your deeper, let God reveal greater levels and depths of revelation to you. Father, we say from the tallest to the biggest, to the greatest, to the least out of the mouth of our children. You have ordained strength. Father, we say, God, pour out of this. Place out. Your spirit, your spirit, your spirit, your spirit. We wanna be a church with a difference. Everybody active, everybody in on it. Everybody ignited, everybody on fire. Everybody here God aware, everybody hungry for the things of God. Everybody pressing in, oh God, everybody running alongside, everybody connecting with the fires that you're beginning to do in this place. Father, we thank you for a ministry that you have called to plow, to plow the heavens and over this place we cont thank you for in the ministry with an apostolic thrust of God that pushes back the darkness, pushes back the darkness pushes back the darkness. Speaker 2 01:04:07 Father, we thank you that they will see the trave of their soul and they will be satisfied. We say to you, God, this place is too small because of the harvest. We expect the harvest, God, you said, look, to see the harvest is ripe. So Father, we thank you Lord, that you lead us to bring in the harvest efficaciously week after week, day after day. Not a few people, but everyone. Not a few people, but everyone. Not a few people, but everyone. Not a few people, but everyone. Oh God. Thank you, father, for the spirit of the Lord at work, great shall be the multitude of them that share your word in power. In Jesus name, amen. God bless you.

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