Mark Pugh | Healed & Healing | A Time of Healing

Episode 5 May 30, 2022 00:45:57
Mark Pugh | Healed & Healing | A Time of Healing
Rediscover Church Exeter | Sunday Messages
Mark Pugh | Healed & Healing | A Time of Healing

May 30 2022 | 00:45:57


Show Notes

29nd May | Sunday Message

This week our Lead Pastor Mark Pugh bring us the 5th message for our Healed & Healing series.

In this message Mark brings us a short challenging word looking at the power we have with the Holy Spirt living in us, whilst accompanied with times of ministry and prayer.

We hope this message helped, challenged & encouraged you.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:02 God is great. It's wonderful. He's amazing. And he's here to touch your life this morning and to speak to you into move our hearts. We believe in the centrality of the word of God here. We believe that the word of God is living it's alive. We believe it's not just about information that we listen to. When we build into our memory banks of things that might be helpful at some point in our life. But we believe the word of God is living. It's alive. It moves in our hearts, but we believe that there's something the word of God calls us to. And that is to obedience to respond. Bible talks about those who are heroes, but not doers. You know, as misses the whole point. The word of God has power when it comes into alignment with our agreement. When, when we just understand it as a truth, but don't apply it as a truth. Speaker 1 00:00:54 It has no power in our life. It's only when we say we agree with that. Yes. And we are gonna allow that to become the reality in which we live. That's when the word of God suddenly brings transformation and power within our life. And some people, they wait for someone else to have the revelation over them, to speak over their life and to bring about change. And God is looking for all of us to give a big yes, in our hearts, because he wants all of us to know the power of God that's present. And over the past four weeks, we've been looking at a series called healed and healing, and we've been looking at a whole range of things in our life. And there have been lots of conversations I've had with many of you of some of the powerful and precious and challenging things. The Lord's been saying where this morning we are gonna continue that series, but we're not going to do it in a way where you sit and listen for 40 minutes to some teaching, we're gonna continue the series by saying yes Speaker 1 00:02:05 And responding and by allowing information to become revelation, to become the dominant truth and reality in our lives. So if you've been to fire starters, I want you to, um, see that this morning's gathering is gonna probably be a little bit more like a fire starter than a normal Sunday. And over these next sort of however long we've got left in the service, there are gonna be a number of opportunities for you and I to respond and to allow the truth of God's word, to become the revelation of our own hearts. Is that okay? That's good. Speaker 0 00:02:48 Again. Speaker 1 00:02:50 I'm so glad Nita and E Santa here on the front row. <laugh> otherwise to look out to a sea, a faces of which there is no sound or agreement. Thank you. The world needs more neats and fans teach them, stand up a second, teach them how to agree with something. Speaker 0 00:03:13 What on Speaker 2 00:03:36 Love that? I'm not saying, you Speaker 0 00:03:37 Know, just saying Speaker 2 00:03:38 That, you know that you said this and I was like, what if you agree with Speaker 0 00:03:41 Something you're in agreement here. <laugh> it's good. Wish Speaker 1 00:03:48 You done. No, that's all, all of those online. I didn't hear. Cause you didn't have a microphone. She was just saying, this is just for you online that you need to learn to type in amen. Speaker 0 00:03:59 And say, Speaker 1 00:04:01 So how many of you this morning wanna move from information to obedient revelation? Speaker 0 00:04:08 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:04:10 And the word of God is powerful and is able you are on it all over it. Superb. Before we look at the first of what's gonna be three responses this morning, that song, we just sang talked about dry bones coming alive. Speaker 1 00:04:47 That's not just a song that's taken from a scripture. That's taken from a prophetic picture that Ezekiel had, where he saw a valley of dry bones and he spoke the word of the Lord over the dry bones and what happened. They didn't become moist bones. They didn't just become joint bones. They became an army, a living, breathing victory, bringing army. And no matter how dry your life feels, no matter how messed up the bits of your life. Look, I want you to know this morning. I believe that same spirit, which spoke to Ezekiel and spoke to that value driver. As I, I believe that same spirit is here this morning to bring life where there's death to bring hope where there's disconnection to bring purpose, where there has been hopelessness. I believe that same spirit is here this morning. And if you believe that God can do all things. Speaker 1 00:05:50 And again, this is about a response. If you believe that God could bring resurrection life to any situation this morning, whether you're watching online or in the room, I'm not just gonna ask you to give Anita and an amen. I'm gonna ask us to stand in a moment. If you choose to do this and to make a shout and a sound and a cheer of victory, like you can see the army rising up, come on. Like you can see the victory. Yeah. Like you can see it and perceive it and understand it. Like, you know that God can do it. And it's not just making a sound. It's a synchronizing, our faith and our expectation that says we're not gonna live with this conviction that there's disconnection and there's brokenness, but we are gonna rise. And we are gonna live in the realities that with God, all things are possible. All right. So if that's you, why don't you just rise and just let your sound of victory. Just Speaker 0 00:07:11 The, Speaker 1 00:07:48 Our hearts open, not out of interest, but out of faith filled expectation. But with man, there are many things that are impossible, but with God, all things are possible and we speak life. Whether death, we speak resurrection, whether there's death, we speak joy. Whether's Hess. We speak healing. Whether there's pain, we speak freedom, whether there's bond. We thank you. But with man, there are many things impossible, but we, God, Speaker 0 00:08:26 All Speaker 1 00:08:27 Things are possible in Jesus. Please take your seats again. Hallelujah. You're gonna be up in darling, a good Anglican today. Speaker 1 00:08:45 Okay. As we've looked at heal and healing, and it's great to have the youth in the service today as well. And we are going to be getting our hands on, praying for you in a little bit. We're really looking forward to that. So please, um, know that you're not just sitting in, you are an important part of this service today, but the Bible teaches that when we come to Jesus, we don't just get a little bit of improvement on our lives. We're not given a slightly better conscience and we're not given some extra resources to try and be morally better people. The Bible says that when you come to Christ, the old you has gone and there's a brand new version of you now. And it's a resurrected version. It's real. Amen. Now it would be so much easier if the old you evaporated and the new, you looked different, had a different name. Speaker 1 00:09:48 If the new, you forgot all the memories of the old you, if the new, you suddenly had a perfectly syncopated understanding of God's ways, rather than the memories of all of those world, ways that you've become accustomed to living. According to, for the last 30, 40, 50, 60 years, it will be so much easier if this old you just went, but it does. But you still look like you, you still have the same name. You still have memories. And you still live with habits that you've formed over many years, but let's not forget. The reality is that this is a brand new you brand new. And it's not just a, a fresh version. It's not a clean start. It's not like there's mess all over the Blackboard and somebody's wiped it clean. It's not, it's an improved, it's a, it's an alive resurrected version, but we still have the memories. Speaker 1 00:11:00 And we've been looking at over these past four weeks, how the reality of this new self calls us to deal with the realities of the old self. There are ways of living. There are things we need to die to. And Paul right into the, the church in Galatia. He said these words in Galatians, two 20, he said, my old self has been crucified with Christ. It's no longer I that live, but it's now Christ who lives in me. So I live in this earthly body. It's the same earthly tent that the old self has, but inside Jesus is living his life in me. Speaker 0 00:11:54 Amen. Speaker 1 00:11:55 And I live this life in the earthly body by trusting in the son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. If this new, you just comes out of the draw every Sunday. Speaker 0 00:12:14 If, Speaker 1 00:12:15 If you jump back on the cross on Sundays and say, Jesus, be glorified, Lord, be glorified. And then swear outta the church, jump back off the cross again. And you're back into the old life. It doesn't matter how committed you are to local church. It doesn't matter how many Bible reading plans you do. If it's the old you, that's living, you miss out on all of the wonderful things that God wants to do in the new you. It's the new you Speaker 0 00:12:52 Jesus. Speaker 1 00:12:56 And I will understand that most of people in this room will remember a moment in their life. When they said yes to Jesus for the first time, they said, I, I want you to now live your life in me. I remember the moment I did that in my life when I was a child. And it was such powerful moments to remember to this day, Philippians three verse seven to eight says this. I once thought that the things that I had in the old self over here, I once thought they were valuable. I once thought they were worth something, you know, we've been using this picture of clearing out our bags and our garages. And I've had lots of you telling me stories about the things you've been clearing out or not clearing out. I've had people come to me to justify whether they've not emptied the stuff outta their garage at this point, please, I'm not, I'm not concerned about your garage. <laugh>, I'm concerned about your life. Speaker 0 00:13:52 Come on, Speaker 1 00:13:54 But near is just taking us a whole new level this week. Like not just a garage, but, um, we, I, I walked in the other day and there were like piles of stuff. All in the living room. She's been through a box that's sort of hidden in a corner of a room. It's a big box full of DVDs. And Nina just said, they're all going said, give me one good reason. She said, we've not on a DVD play for three years. <laugh> okay's a good reason. Pretty good reason. Speaker 0 00:14:26 And I, Speaker 1 00:14:28 But the, the living room was messy. We've had these piles of DVDs for half the week, just filling up our living room. And it looks a bit messy. Sometimes getting rid of past stuff is a bit messy, but I I'm looking at these DVDs. I'm picking up and think, Hey, remember buying that? I paid 12 pounds for that quick Google, how much it's worth to sell now second hand, 10 PE Speaker 0 00:14:55 <laugh> wow. Speaker 1 00:15:00 There must be, oh no, there must be like thousands of pounds worth there's been spent on this stuff. And it's too had his junk. Paul had this moment where he looked at his qualifications, he looked at his competencies and giftings and abilities. He looked at those things that he once thought were really valuable. And from the eyes of the new self, he said the garbage, he said, I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because can we have that scripture back because of what Christ has done? And yes, everything else is worthless. When compared to the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus, my Lord, for his sake, I have discarded everything, everything else. And I counted as garbage so that I could gain Christ. Speaker 0 00:16:12 Amen. Speaker 1 00:16:14 Those bags three black bags of DVDs have Speaker 0 00:16:18 Gone Speaker 1 00:16:21 Worthless, but new life is gone. You might remember the day you gave your life to Christ and you might be here. You might be watching life. You've never given your life to Christ. And normally at the end of our services, we give people an opportunity to respond to the gospel, but I'm gonna do something different this morning, cuz church at the moment that you normally pray that those people who need to hear this will respond. I want you this morning to know this is for you. This is a moment of all of us rededicate our life to the Lord and saying, I wanna be born again. Again. I want to know that this new life is my life. And of course we don't theologically get born again. Again, we are new creations, but it's the declaration. The rededication, the recon consecration to say, my life is Christ. Would you bow your heads? If you've never given your lot to Jesus and you can join us in this prayer as well. But I'm really talking to people that may around this place a while. Are you ready to give your life back to Jesus today? Say it's not either live, Speaker 1 00:17:51 But it's Christ that lives in me. Do you, if you believe this, would you say your own prayer along the light is of God. I recommit my life to you. I want you to live your life in me. I declare I've been crucified with Christ is no longer either live living is the new me. I don't wanna live in that new reality. Speaker 3 00:18:31 Thank you for the smile of your favor upon these prayers of God. Speaker 1 00:18:48 Often at the end of the services, when we invite people to let us know that they prayed this prayer. Usually for the first time, I'm gonna ask in just a moment. If you pray that read prayer to the Lord, not just to lift one hand and say, yep, I prayed that prayer. But to lift both hands and say, this is it I'm surrendered. My life is not my own. I've been bought by the precious blood of Jesus and I'm following it with all of my heart. And this is not for those who backslid. This is for those who want to take this holy moment to recon consecrate their lives. If that's you, when you lift your hands, just extend them outta here, them out to the Lord, your children, your sons, your daughters. Love us. Thank you, Lord. Speaker 0 00:19:52 Thank Speaker 1 00:19:53 You for we consecrate our lives. We know that the oldest God and the newest car, if anyone is in Christ, they're a new creation, hallelujah, new creations. And we banished the photocopies of the enemy will have of our past. We banished the allowance of the past, determined in our future. And we declare right now that our decision to give our life to Christ is the only thing that determines the future of our lives. It's the single biggest moment in our lives. If anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation. The old has gone and the ne has come. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Please wash your yards for the next season. Guys, if any of you wanna step in, I just know it's a microphone passing around, just Hannah. Hannah's one of our elders. Speaker 4 00:21:07 I, um, I had a picture during worship and it, I, I know when it's God, cuz it just doesn't go away. And my heart starts to beat really quickly. So I, this won't be for everyone, but it will be for some people. Um, I can be a sucker for an underdo and I just felt a little word of the Lord that sometimes we can look at our old selves with sympathy and once we know they might not be right and they were wrong because we start to feel sympathy. It's that doorway that they start to creep in. And as we've been doing the Bible in one year challenge, we see in the old Testament, how ruthless often it feels that, um, the Kings and the judges can be like, they destroyed the entire city, all of the animals, everything. And I can think, ah, but that sheep didn't do anything wrong. But if you left even something that might seem innocent, it, it sus the whole thing. And I just wanted to share just if you are starting to or in the coming weeks, probably almost feel that bit of sympathy for that old self. Cut it out, cut it down. You need to be ruthless for this step forward because that's the only way that we will make that line in the sand and move on. Speaker 0 00:22:21 Beautiful. Speaker 1 00:22:22 Thank you, Hannah. Speaker 5 00:22:23 I've got actually I've got something that, um, follows on for that. Um, and while we were, I dunno if it was something you said, but I had this picture of, um, somebody that was dressed, but there were rumaging through the bins. And uh, there were rumaging from food for like out date food and there were rub gin for objects. And um, there was like a real rebuke from the Lord that you don't need to go back to bins to get your food. You don't need to go back to bins to get your substance. Some of you were going back to rubbish bins, like a homeless person. Um, that's no disrespect to anybody that's homeless and you do have a home in the family of God. And this is God's family and God doesn't want you. Um, there was another picture I had this week and it, it was, we, we went to a wedding yesterday. Speaker 5 00:23:11 It was a glorious day and each one of us had an, uh, a name place where we were to sit at the wedding with a name. When you go to a wedding, there's a banquet and you have a name place. God has a name place for each one of you. It's prepared. And it's a feast. There's a place for you. And it's a feast that's being prepared for you. You do not have to be like little kids that sometimes like to go onto the table and misbehave and start mucking around and eating the crumbs off the floor, as sweet as falling on the floor, you're getting it off the floor. You don't need to do that. God doesn't want you rub rumaging around in rubbish and something that is not fitting for you. If you had cancer and you went for an operation, you wouldn't say, well, you know, cut most of it out, but leave a bit there so it can grow and spread. Speaker 5 00:23:57 You would cut the whole lot out. Yeah. So it doesn't come back and seeing is like a cancer. Unforgiveness is like a cancer. And there's another thing that went through my head if you, and if you were having food and we thank God for our meals and it's grace, but we have to be practical. If we're having a, a big fat Sunday or a big McDonald's don't God ask God to bless it. Cuz it's junk food. This isn't a moral on whether you're eating junk food or not be thankful for it, but be realistic with what you're asking God to bless God. Can't bless things that aren't good for you. And oh, bless it in our bodies while it's junk. So yeah. Be thankful for it. Be careful what you're putting in your gob. Yeah. To put it crudely <laugh> or to get your attention, be careful what you're putting in your mouth. What is coming out of your mouth? Speaker 0 00:24:45 It's good. It's good. Speaker 5 00:24:47 When the holy spirit lands, it needs a clear answerphone. When the holy spirit lands, it needs a clear runway. The holy spirit cannot Ru land on rubble. It needs a clear runway ourselves be carnage. It needs a clear runway. The holy spirit cannot land on rubble. Speaker 0 00:25:11 That's good. Speaker 1 00:25:13 That's good. That's why I pray confidently. God blesses you cuz you are so good for me. It's not getting mushy about it. Okay. Okay. Let's mushy declared husband and wife. Amazing tweet of the day. Careful what you put in your gob. Speaker 0 00:25:46 <laugh> Speaker 1 00:25:52 Second thing we're gonna do along the front here. There's some very high tech posted notes and pens. So maybe young people won't know what these are. Speaker 0 00:26:05 <laugh> Speaker 1 00:26:07 Don't try and do that with them. They don't work. They're actually right with them. But I're gonna invite you in just a moment to write some stuff on these pads and pop them in one of these bins, these buckets here, and this is all about getting rid of the things from past seasons in our life. We've looked at quite a lot of the things over the past month we've looked at at striving are addicted to busyness. Not that God's against fruitfulness, but some of our busyness is in denial of God's rhythms arrest in our life. And some of the motivation behind that is that we're trying to hide pain rather than find healing. Speaker 1 00:26:52 So there needs to be like a, a decision. I'm gonna throw that away. I'm gonna get rid of that addictiveness in my life. Maybe there are things like being defensive or your low self awareness or your sense of decisions about creating isolation in your life and refusing to let people to get close to you anymore. Uh, maybe there's blame. People have heard you and you just like every time you see someone, it's just like, you hate them. And it's just, you have someone to pin blame on or maybe whatever happens in your life. There's always gotta be someone at fault. It's either you or it's other people. That's not a healthy way of living. You know, there's a piece available for that. Maybe there's anger, fear sense of being self-absorbed with your own world. Addictions loads of people praying for addictions in the first service, maybe there's dishonesty some, something, a pattern developed in your life. And there's just like a blurred line of ethical honesty, kill honesty. It's just like you sail, close to the wind. You don't tell lies, but you tell what was the equivalent of maybe being told as a child, there's a white lie, like as if it's not a lie any longer, Speaker 1 00:28:11 But there's dishonesty. There's destructive patterns of behavior that people have. Maybe there are other things that, you know, you need to clear out of your life Speaker 1 00:28:23 And in these next few moments and we're not gonna manage the sort of the flow of people to the front. We've just got a spread of pads that are here, um, and pens all over the place. Let me just ask you to come and take one and maybe pass the pad along to people behind you so they can all take one as well and then write down. Doesn't matter what handwriting, we're not gonna read these out. We're not gonna not gonna play bingo with 'em afterwards and see who's got all of them on their scorecard. Um, we're just going to give them to the Lord, this bucket symbol of just bringing them to the feet of Jesus and saying, I'm not having this in my life. That's old self it's a clearer time. I know some of you already done this in the last few weeks. You've practically made changes, but this is a decision day. Now I know asking you to do this publicly. Not cuz we're gonna know the issue, but because to get out from the comfort of your seat, to go through the hassle of picking up a pen and a pattern, putting something in it's symbolic that you mean business. You mean business. It's a memory you should take out of this room today. You say, when you get back home, then no, I need to get rid of that. Speaker 1 00:29:34 So as the band sing, a song can join them. If you want to come and get a bit of paper right on there and come and put them in the buckets and get rid of stuff. Come on, clear out those DVDs, get rid of stuff out in Speaker 6 00:30:03 Jesus. My savior, I, Jesus Speaker 0 00:31:56 Savior never cease to Speaker 1 00:33:39 Feel free to continue coming forward. In the next few moments for father, we pray for all of these things that have been identified here, that things of the old self that we don't want to carry into the new self, the things that maybe we've held onto too long. And we ask go God in your mercy, the power of your spirit that you'll set us free to walk in freedom. Maybe that's not be just a moment and a response in the moment, may this be the catalyst of change in our lives? I pray in Jesus' name and then we're gonna move on to our final section. This is about living the life of the new you. Speaker 1 00:34:30 And this is about not last week. We looked at some of us have time machines that we keep traveling back to the old us. There might be nostalgia. There might be stories. There might be songs. There might be paraphernalia of our life that take us back to what was rather than live at what is, and we looked at need to get rid of our time machines. We looked about breaking the patterns of generational habits and curses that can so easily form in our life. It's like there's a debt to the previous generation. Our great grandparents died and left a debt and that debt got passed down to the parents and then they died and that debt got passed down to the grandchildren. And there are the Bible talks about blessings that go through the generations. And there are like curses that go through the generations as well. And I believe that when we come to faith in Jesus, that all of those chains can be broken. Cuz every debt has been settled. Everyone has been nailed to the cross and we bear it no more. Yes. And we can no freedom Speaker 1 00:35:33 And we can break the patterns of those generational curses. Also, I believe we can invite the holy spirit to transform our minds and to renew us. Romans 12 verse two says, don't copy the behavior and the customs of this world. You remember, we looked at those family commandments last week. Those things that have dominated our value systems that are probably more related to the pre transformation, the pre resurrection of our lives and how we need to conflict those against God's word. Don't let the pans, the behavior and the customs of this world. But let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think, then you will learn to know God's will, which is good and pleasing and perfect. I believe as followers of Jesus, we can be delivered from every single oppression of the enemy. We can be filled with the holy spirit. We can overcome the enemy's strategies that come against us and we can know physical healing. Let's look at these present in Mark's gospel chapter 16. It says this in verse 17, these miraculous signs will accompany those who Speaker 0 00:36:53 Us Speaker 1 00:36:53 Who are those who believe surely it's the pastors or the Vics. It's us. It's you it's me. It's us. It's not the person next to you alone. It is them, but it's you as well. These miraculous signs, they lines, they accompany. When you go to a wedding, sometimes you are send an invitation. As you plus one, you are allowed for someone to accompany you. They are with you. They go with you, they sit with you and it says these miraculous signs will accompany. They're with you. For those who believe what are the miraculous signs? It goes on to say they who are they? They will cast out demons in my name. I'm sure you've already done that a few times this morning. When was the last time you cast out demon? Of course it's just for the specialists, isn't it? Oh no. Sorry is they who's they you're getting it. They will cast out demons in my name. They will set people free from oppression of the enemy. They will. It goes on to say they will speak new languages. I'm so grateful to God for a gift of the holy spirit called speaking in tons. Speaker 1 00:38:35 When I give my life to Christ, the holy spirit came and resided in me and he transformed me. He made me the new creation and his work regenerates me. His work transforms me from glory to glory, but there was another experience I had, which we call the baptism in the spirit. Yeah. It's when the holy spirit came in, its fullness upon my life. And he filled me to overflowing. It's like a second experience. We get a baptism in water, but we get a baptism in the spirit as well. And that baptism baptism in the spirit opens up all sorts of gifts of the spirit. This gifts of healing, gifts, them miraculous gifts of words of knowledge, where you can know things without being told gifts of wisdom, but there's a gift of tongues and that gift of tongues. I'm so glad for the gift of tongues in my life. And doesn't this sound weird. Like if I stood up here and spoke a little bit of Welch to you today, red coffee Speaker 0 00:39:37 <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:39:39 Which means I like coffee. Good. You think ah, okay. Speaking of the language, if I stood and go suck, cut that what's that language you're speaking. What do you just say? I don't know. Come on. But it's a gift and that gift is transformative on my daily walk with Jesus because sometimes I run out of knowing what to pray. And so when I do that, I can, the Bible says some speak with the tons of men and some speak with the tons of angels. I don't know what it is. I think I've got about two or three gifts of tongues, different languages that I speak. And I know in today's world, that sounds weird. But listen, let the world ask what weird is. Let's not make it also explainable that anybody could make it up. Tongues is a gift of the spirit to his church and Jesus speaking here in Mark's gospel, he said, and they will speak in new languages. Sheila. It then goes on to say, they will be able. Now I don't want to get et up about this. Cuz there are things here that you shouldn't do says they will be able to handle snakes with safety. And if they drink anything poisonous, it won't hurt them. Speaker 1 00:41:19 Really? What I want you understand from those scriptures, it's not about snakes and poison it's that you have an enemy that wants to harm you. And look what it says in re in response to an enemy who wants to harm you. Whether it's snakes, poison, addiction, whatever it is, it says it won't hurt them. Who's them. Ah, you got it. And it says they will be able to place their hands. Who did it say? They, they, they, they, they, they who's, they it's us. They will be able to place their hands on the sick. And there is a possibility that maybe when there's a blue moon, but they may just be healed. Does it say that? See, yeah, see what happens if you pray for someone who don't get healed? Well, listen, I know that a hundred percent of people I don't pray for don't get healed. Speaker 0 00:42:17 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:42:20 Maybe it's time to start putting this scripture into our hearts and start saying, I'm gonna live out of that revelation. Not outta my fear of what happens if it doesn't happen. This is, this is real Christianity guys. This is not add-ons. This is it. They, they, they, they will see miraculouss accompany them. Mira signs are casting. Our demons, miraculous signs are speaking. New languages, miraculous signs are standing against any scheme of the enemy and not being harmed. Miraculous signs of laying hands on the sick and seeing them healed Speaker 0 00:43:01 Hall. Speaker 1 00:43:02 They us. So in a moment, we're gonna ask you to come forward. If you would like to be set free, if you would like to be filled with the holy spirit and to know a gift of tons, if you would like to be experiencing a fresh understanding of the victory of God in your life, if you would like to be physically healed, then we're gonna invite you to come forward for prayer. Let's all stand together first. I don't know if some of you are thinking, oh, I, I can't wait to get back to normal church next week where I can sit and listen for a few minutes. Listen, listening. Doesn't change anything. Obedience changes everything. It's obedience is obedience. Obedience. If there's a failure of church over the years, it's not about whether we meet in big meetings or small homes. God doesn't care. That's not the issue. The issue is if your, if you are meeting in a small home that doesn't make you more religious or more righteous or more spiritual, if you are not obeying the Lord, likewise, if you're in the largest gathering of people in the world, all with the best worship leaders, leading the songs of worship, and you're not obeying, Speaker 1 00:44:29 God's not able to do what he wants to do. So it's about obedience. So if you believe Jesus can set you free. If you believe he can empower you. And if you believe he can heal you, then while the band sing this next song, come forward. Gonna ask all the prophetic team, elders, life, group leaders, good leaders, those who maybe you used to go on the streets and pray for the sick, but you come forward as well. And let's pray for each other. They us now today, freedom, freedom, freedom. And I'm gonna invite all the young people to come forward as well. We would love to pray that you are the generation that sets up a brand new rising of the VAs. That you will be a generation who knows what it is to bring freedom to the captives. Recovery is sight to the blind, to be spirit filled and empowered. We'd love you to come forward and we love the brave with you. Hallelujah. Come on team, come and begin to pray.

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August 31, 2022 00:43:53
Episode Cover

Shaun Hornsby | Equip the Saints | Introducing the Evangelist

21st August | Shaun Hornsby shares on the Evangelistic grace of the APEST test and how this builds up the body of Christ. Those...



February 06, 2023 00:41:40
Episode Cover

Blessed are the Humble | Revolution of the Heart | Mark Pugh | 5th February 2023

Pastor Mark speaks on the passage; “Blessed are the humble (meek), for they will inherit the earth".
